Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 221 Slapping Bai Xian'er 5

Chapter 221 Slapping Bai Xian'er 5
"The competition time is only half an hour, if Ye Qingge stays like this, he will definitely lose..."

Seeing that Ye Qingge had been inactive, everyone couldn't help sweating for her.

Young Master Bai was very proud, and laughed directly: "In my young master's opinion, Ye Qingge doesn't know how to make medicine at all! The bitch just plays too much, she just pretended to win my Bai family, wait another 300 Year! Hahaha—”

Young Master Bai's laughter was so wild that Nangong Ling wanted to slap him twice after listening to it!
However, before Nangong Ling could make a move, Yu Qianjue, the wife-protecting madman, took the lead and smashed a wine glass into Young Master Bai's open mouth!
"call out--"


The white porcelain wine glass the size of a fist smashed Young Master Bai's mouth full of blood, his teeth fell out, and his face was instantly blacker than a crow.

"Pfft - bah bah -"

First Major Bai spat out the fragments in his mouth, but the fragments were too sharp, and in the process of spitting out, he scratched his mouth again, causing bleeding again.

This distressed appearance is in stark contrast to the triumphant image just now.

"Ah! Who is sneaking up on this young master!"

Young Master Bai yelled loudly, the cup flew so fast just now, he didn't even realize who moved it, and the cup came into his mouth.

If you let him know, even if he is a ghost, he will not let that person go!
Yu Qianjue was not afraid of First Young Master Bai, when he heard First Young Master Bai continue to yell, he picked up another wine glass, casually played with it in his hand, then looked directly at First Young Master Bai,

"Looks like you want another cup."

"It's you……"

Young Master Bai was three points shocked and seven points scared. He had seen Yu Qianjue's strength before. When Yu Qianjue beat Rong Shizi just now, he didn't even use one-tenth of his strength, and he directly hit Rong Shizi all over the ground. Find teeth.

If he goes head-to-head with such a master, he will definitely not end well.

In order to save his life, Young Master Bai didn't dare to be arrogant anymore, he could only shrink his head, tail between his legs, and looked at Yu Qianjue cautiously, full of anger in his heart.

Emperor Qingyun looked a little dissatisfied when he saw this scene. In Yuhuayuan's territory, the Ye family attacked the Bai family without his permission. Does he still have the emperor in his eyes?
However, even though he was dissatisfied in his heart, the emperor did not speak out.

He can see through Yu Qianjue's strength, he is a master among masters, and the entire Qingyun Kingdom may not be his opponent... It can only be said that the Ye family has found a good backer this time!
In this way, with various moods, everyone continued to watch the competition.

After about half of the time passed, Ye Qingge finally started to act. Instead of carefully selecting the spirit-gathering grass and selecting the best part like Bai Xian'er, she directly poured all the spirit-gathering grass into it. Shendingli.

This swift and fierce method of refining medicine made everyone stunned for a moment, completely unintelligible.

Bai Xian'er laughed directly: "Ye Qingge, I don't think you know how to make medicine at all, but you are so stupid to pour all the spirit-gathering herbs into the medicine cauldron, you are doomed!"

"Tsk tsk, Bai Xian'er, Bai Xian'er, don't you know? I deliberately paused for such a long time just to let you take a break, lest you lose too badly.

After all, I only need two quarters of an hour to complete this competition. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingge directly covered the medicine cauldron, poured spiritual energy into the cauldron, adjusted the fire intensity, and concentrated on refining the spirit-gathering liquid!
(End of this chapter)

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