Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 224 Slapping Bai Xian'er 8

Chapter 224 Slapping Bai Xian'er 8
"Purity five-star! Quality five-star!"

Doctor Chen reported the results excitedly!

If it weren't for his limited ability, he really wanted to take Ye Qingge as his apprentice. As long as such a genius cultivates hard, in time, he will definitely be famous in the Hongmeng Continent!
"Miss Ye, you have a bright future, work hard!" Imperial Physician Chen blessed with a smile. Although he is also a pharmacist, his talent is not enough. Since he entered the second level, he has been stuck in the bottleneck.

This card, 50 years, dragged him from 20 to 70 years old.

Although he will never become the best alchemist in this life, he is really happy to see the rise of a future master today!
Because she was too excited, Imperial Physician Chen couldn't help but remind a few more words, "Miss Ye, when you refine medicine in the future, remember not to rush for quick success, and you must maintain a good attitude!"

"Thank you for your advice."

Ye Qingge nodded and bowed slightly to salute. She has always accepted the experience of the old senior with humility.

On the other side, seeing that Ye Qingge not only won, but also received so much support from Imperial Physician Chen, Bai Xian'er was about to explode!
Why is it that Ye Qingge's spirit-gathering liquid is five stars, but she is only four and a half stars? This is simply impossible!

Bai Xian'er was not convinced, she put in so much thought, but she still didn't win, she was about to vomit blood!
Moreover, Ye Qingge's time for the competition was less than half of hers. How could Ye Qingge do it in such a short time!

"Shady! There must be a shady! How could I lose to this trash!"

While roaring, Bai Xian'er walked up to Ye Qingge, she picked up Ye Qingge's spirit-gathering liquid, and sniffed it vigorously.

After sniffing, Bai Xian'er froze in place.

At this moment, the facts were before her eyes, Ye Qingge's spirit-gathering liquid was better than hers, even if she cheated, she still couldn't win the competition.

Why is this happening?

Why did God treat her like this?

"No! It's not true! Absolutely not! How could the trash who was stepped on by this lady before surpass me?!"

Bai Xian'er was very depressed. She had a good relationship with Ye Mengru and often bullied Ye Qingge when she was a child.

Now that Ye Qingge has transformed into a genius pharmacist, throwing her away, this kind of thing is simply too embarrassing!
The rest of the people were also very surprised to see Bai Xian'er lost.

After all, Bai Xian'er is a mysterious alchemist in the black market. He once refined spirit-gathering liquid at a sky-high price. How could he lose to a novice like Ye Qingge?

"My God, what the hell is going on? I can't understand it."

"Oh, I don't understand either, but there is one thing I know very well. It will not be so easy for the Bai family to bully the Ye family in the future."

"The latest methods of the Bai family are too frenzied. They are simply punishing the Ye family to death. They deserve this end!"

"Hush! Keep your voice down, after all, Bai Xian'er's backstage is a black market..."

"Who said that Bai Xian'er's backstage is my black market?"

A voice full of air and a little majesty came from the entrance of the imperial garden.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw an old man in a gray robe with a solemn expression walking towards the light.

This person is none other than the director of the black market auction—Guan Lao!
When the emperor saw Guan Lao, he stood up directly from the dragon chair, stood up with a smile, and strode towards the comer.

"Guan Lao, you are such a rare visitor, what kind of wind blows today, it actually brought your big Buddha here!
Come, come, please take a seat! "

(End of this chapter)

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