Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 228

Chapter 228
"Your Majesty, please be safe and don't be impatient. Although there are many accidents today, there is still a great joy. Knowing that Ye Qingge is the first genius alchemist in Qingyun, and that he did not bury the talent, this is the glory of the country."

Concubine Mei, who had been silent all this time, spoke at this moment.

The ministers followed suit and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Hearing these voices, the emperor finally felt better. He looked at Ye Qingge with admiration in his eyes.

"Miss Ye is very talented and is the pride of my Qingyun Kingdom. I bestow on you a golden ten thousand taels, and the title 'Princess Jingning Princess'!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Ye Qingge bowed slightly, saluted, and accepted the award.

With the title of princess, the Ye family's status in the imperial city will be more guaranteed, which is a good thing.

"Sister Qingge, congratulations." Ye Mengqi said softly, and immediately sent her blessings. Today's Ye Qingge is really radiant, not only defeated Bai Xian'er, but also won the status of princess.

Ye Mengqi envied her from the bottom of her heart, when she could have Ye Qingge's ability, how great would it be?
However, when the scene is filled with all kinds of blessings, there are always one or two blind people who like to come out to make trouble.

Huangfu Qianqian was injured and left the scene just now, because she was worried about Yu Qianjue, so after her nose was bandaged, she rushed to the scene again.

She didn't know about Bai Xian'er, but only heard that Ye Qingge was suddenly made princess, so she was very unconvinced.

"Father, how can such an ugly monster like Ye Qingge be the princess, are you mistaken?" As soon as Huangfu Qianqian appeared on the stage, he started to trouble Ye Qingge.

When the emperor heard the words, his face suddenly turned dark. He is the king of a country, how could he let Huangfu Qianqian doubt it casually!
Concubine Ye Gui saw that the emperor's face changed drastically, she secretly thought that something was wrong, she glanced at the scene and found that Bai Xian'er had already left, could something have changed?
Regardless of 21, Concubine Ye Gui scolded on the spot, "Qianqian, your father is the Ninth Five-Year Emperor, his decision is definitely not wrong, why don't you hurry up and apologize!"

"Mother Concubine, why do I have to apologize again? What did I do wrong? Ye Qingge! It's all your fault!"

Huangfu Qianqian is used to willful, reckless actions, and her brain can't turn a corner. No matter what the scene is, she directly blames Ye Qingge for her mistakes.

"You ugly monster, you must have made a move just now, this princess wants to beat you to death!" After Huangfu Qianqian finished speaking, she directly raised her hand, and rushed forward, ready to slap Ye Qingge across the face.

Ye Qingge's eyes were sharp, and he took a step back, not to care about this kind of lunatic.

Huangfu Qianqian saw that the first blow was unsuccessful, and prepared to come again. This time, the veil on Ye Qingge's face was almost caught by Huangfu Qianqian.

In an instant, a face that is particularly heavenly and human appeared in front of everyone!
When everyone saw this face, their expressions changed from surprise to amazement!
This Sixth Miss Ye is too beautiful, she is even more beautiful than the fairies in the sky, whoever said that she is disfigured, obviously she is not!
When everyone was happy, Huangfu Qianqian's expression was uglier than eating shit!

How can it be?

Hasn't Ye Qingge's face been ruined by her?She put poison on the knife back then, there was no way this face could return to normal!
Do not!
This is not true!
Huangfu Qianqian kept shaking her head, she received two blows today, one just now and the other now, each time was more severe than the last.

Ye Qingge has become more beautiful, more beautiful than her, what should I do?
Young Master Yu will definitely be fascinated by this witch!

(End of this chapter)

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