Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 234 Returning Ye Family Property

Chapter 234 Returning Ye Family Property
The atmosphere was terrifyingly cold.

Ye Qingge sat in a high position with a cold face, like a queen.

Patriarch Bai gritted his teeth and kept thinking about countermeasures, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't think of a reason.

Ye Qingge's attitude was too firm, and with the black market behind him, he couldn't deal with it for the time being.


The head of the Bai family cursed secretly in his heart, but for the sake of his son and daughter's life, he had to back down and said, "Okay... Ye family's assets... The Bai family can return..."

After saying this, Patriarch Bai just felt like a knife was twisting his heart. The things he had snatched by all means disappeared like this. He was angry and regretful!
"Okay, since that's the case, then return all the land deeds, real estate, shops, houses, and [-] acres of fertile land in the suburbs of my Ye family.

Grandpa, you are more familiar with this aspect than I am, so I will review it for you. "

Ye Qingge looked at Mr. Ye with a confident expression, like the sunshine in June.

Mr. Ye is very relieved that his granddaughter is becoming more and more promising. Not only can he refine medicine, but he can also bring back all the things that the Bai family robbed.

He thought that he would never be able to get those family properties back in his life...

The more Mr. Ye thought about it, the more excited he became. Tears welled up in his eyes. He wiped them away with his hand. Then, with firm eyes, he looked at Patriarch Bai, and said majestically,

"Patriarch Bai, it's your turn."

"The head of the family knows, so you don't need to remind!"

The head of the Bai family responded indignantly. He opened the storage ring and took out a bunch of contracts. He carried every business and contract of the Bai family with him.

It is not difficult to return it now.

Ye Qingge sat by the side and saw Patriarch Bai returning the contracts one after another to his grandfather. While he was happy, he felt a little heavy at the same time.

After so many years and so many properties, the Bai family really has a hand in it!
Conscience is too dark!

Ye Qingge cursed inwardly, while waiting for the handover to end, it took half an hour for Mr. Ye to sort out all the transactions and sign an agreement with the Bai family.

The two sides pressed their fingerprints, and it was regarded as officially returning all the things of the Ye family.

"What about the antidote? Can I give it now?"

Patriarch Bai's face was dark and his tone was anxious. He just wanted to get the antidote quickly and leave here.

After he saves his son and daughter, he will come to the Ye family to settle the score!

"Well, the antidote... Actually, I didn't poison it, I just used some special itching powder. As for the way to remove it, it's also very simple!
First, the whole body should be covered with cow dung, and then a large bucket of horse urine should be drunk. These two steps cycle for three days and three nights. You can't cut corners, and you can almost cure the disease. "

"Ye Qingge, are you playing tricks on me!"

Patriarch Bai was completely angry, he had already retreated so much, he did not expect Ye Qingge to have such an attitude,

Ye Qingge spread his hands, and said calmly: "Patriarch Bai, what I said is true, if you don't believe it, you can pull it down, anyway, they are itching to death, and it's none of my business.

I've already told you the method, but it's up to you whether to do it or not. "


Patriarch Bai was so angry that he had nothing to say, there was nothing he could do about Ye Qingge.

But going back like this, he is not reconciled, he is the Patriarch of the Bai family, how can he let a young girl play tricks, it is really unreasonable!

Patriarch Bai secretly condensed a spiritual force, and decided to teach Ye Qingge a profound lesson before leaving!
However, before he could do anything, three powerful pressures came directly from the east, west, and north directions!
 Thank you for the reward of [If you are well, then you will get it], good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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