Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 241 Admit it, You Like Me

Chapter 241 Admit it, You Like Me
"Just now, I took the initiative for my husband, but now it's you who take the initiative. It's different."

After finishing speaking, Yu Qianjue took the initiative to show his handsome face, and moved closer to Ye Qingge to pick it up.

Looking at this incomparably beautiful face, Ye Qingge only felt that she deserved a beating. She has "bullied" her like this, and let her take the initiative?
With a sudden force, Ye Qingge hit Yu Qianjue's forehead fiercely with his own forehead!

She wants revenge!


"Bang -" a sound!

"Ah!" A scream!
Ye Qingge quickly covered her head with her hands!

it hurts!

What a pain!

Has this Yu Qianjue practiced Iron Head Kungfu?Why is the head so hard!
"Little Geer, are you okay?"

When Ye Qingge saw that Ye Qingge was injured, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. He who was always calm and fearless in the face of danger actually panicked at this moment.

He hurriedly searched for the elixir in the storage ring, trying to relieve Ye Qingge's pain, but at the same time, he also exposed a lot of weaknesses.

Shoulders, neck, heart, these three places, there is no defense at all.

At this moment, Ye Qingge's head was really hurting, but seeing Yu Qianjue showing his weakness, she was extremely excited. Regardless of the injury on her forehead, she directly slapped Yu Qianjue's shoulder with a thunderbolt palm!
Yu Qianjue keenly caught the palm wind, with his reflexes, of course he could dodge this move.

However, he also knew that Xiao Ge'er had been "ravaged" so badly tonight, he needed to vent, and let her sneak attack.


Thunderbolt palm hit Yu Qianjue directly on the shoulder.

With Ye Qingge's current strength, he can already control this set of palms freely, and there will be no more spring scenes of red fruit.


After Yu Qianjue noticed this, he used his spiritual power to secretly shatter the clothes!
In the blink of an eye, a figure more perfect than a male model appeared in front of Ye Qingge, with well-defined muscles, full of seductive vest lines, and...

"You...you put on your clothes quickly!" Ye Qingge turned his head, his face flushed red.

Obviously this time, she has controlled her strength and won't break her clothes again. Why is Yu Qianjue's clothes still broken? What's going on?

When Yu Qianjue heard Ye Qingge's words, he didn't put on his clothes, but smiled and teased, "Little Ge'er, if you want to see my husband's body, I can take it off for you, without you having to do it yourself."

"I don't want to see, you put on your clothes first."

"Don't wear it, it's more comfortable."

"Then can you cover it up?" Ye Qingge blushed, she accidentally spotted a certain spot of Yu Qianjue just now, it was so... so... so eye-catching!

She is a big girl with yellow flowers, why should she watch this kind of thing!
"Does your head still hurt?" Yu Qianjue pulled the quilt to cover the important parts, and then looked at Ye Qingge's forehead.

There was a little redness there, and it looked a little swollen. Although this kind of injury was nothing serious to him, he was very worried when it happened to Ye Qingge.

"I have a bottle of ointment here, would you like to rub it?"

After Yu Qianjue finished speaking, he handed Ye Qingge a small jade bottle. The jade bottle was exquisite in workmanship, and it was real jade. It was very expensive at first glance.

Ye Qingge complained silently in her heart that even the ointment was sealed with jade. The life of a certain prince is really extravagant.

"No, I have my own medicine."

Ye Qingge is a genius doctor herself, so there is no need to trouble others with this small injury on her forehead.

She casually took out a little medicine powder from the storage ring, and then applied it lightly. The cold feeling came, and the pain on her forehead soon disappeared.

"Does it still hurt?" Yu Qianjue continued to ask after Ye Qingge took the medicine.

Ye Qingge raised her head, facing Yu Qianjue's repeated concern, she felt a little guilty. After all, she attacked Yu Qianjue secretly, and Yu Qianjue not only didn't blame her, but kept asking her about her injuries.

Why does this man treat her so well?
"I'm fine, what about your injury? Does it hurt?" Ye Qingge asked.

"It doesn't hurt." Yu Qianjue responded with a light smile, but then thought, this is a good opportunity to increase feelings!
"Little Ge'er, although my shoulder doesn't hurt, I can barely move it. Your palm is too strong. Fortunately, my husband is in good health, otherwise I would have died a long time ago...ah..."

After finishing speaking, blood dripped from the corner of Yu Qianjue's mouth, then he fell asleep on the bed and began to pretend to be pitiful.

Seeing the blood, Ye Qingge really thought that he had played a heavy hand and injured Yu Qianjue, and felt more and more guilty.

She quickly grabbed Yu Qianjue's hand and asked eagerly: "Are you okay? Let me check first, I didn't want to do that just now, I'm sorry..."

"So concerned about your husband? It seems that you care a lot.

Xiao Geer, admit it, you actually like me, right? "

Yu Qianjue smiled charmingly, and those charming eyes were fixed on Ye Qingge, like a black hole that made people fall.

 Thank you for the reward [If you are well, then you will get it], please recommend tickets, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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