Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 258 Her face was ruined by Huangfu Qianqian

Chapter 258 Her face was ruined by Huangfu Qianqian

"It seems that someone doesn't want the spiritual spring water anymore?" A cold light flashed across Ye Qingge's eyes.

"You—" Patriarch Bai's face turned purple with anger, Fengyun Sect on one side, and mysterious forces on the other, he couldn't offend both parties, he was almost pissed off!
After thinking for a while, Patriarch Bai gritted his teeth and said, "I really don't know what happened eight years ago, that mysterious force only asked the Bai family to monitor Yue Wanrou, and didn't say anything else, and we didn't dare to ask.

But the Bai family knows a little about your father Ye Qian's movements. If he guessed correctly, he is either in the Lingyu or Fengyunzong.

This Patriarch's answer is these, hurry up and hand over the spirit spring water! "

Ye Qingge squinted her eyes. She didn't believe everything Patriarch Bai said, but it's better to have clues than no clues.

Anyway, she was planning to apply for the Fengyun Academy, and she would work hard to enter the Fengyun Sect in the future, so she might be able to find some clues.

"Ye Qingge, hurry up and hand over the spiritual spring water!" Patriarch Bai pressed again.

"Ha ha."

Ye Qingge sneered, she had finished asking the questions she should have asked, but only two-thirds of the time for a stick of incense had passed, so she decided to continue delaying the time.

"Patriarch Bai, I'm not satisfied with your answer, so I'm still in a bad mood."

"Ye Qingge, are you playing with my Patriarch?" Patriarch Bai was angry.

Ye Mengru found an opportunity and fanned the flames: "Uncle Bai, this bitch has no sincerity at all, stop talking nonsense with her, just kill her!"

"Ye Mengru, you are really my 'good fourth sister'. If I knew you were so vicious, I should have killed you with a sword when I was in Ye's house." Ye Qingge suddenly raised her voice.

Not to be outdone, Ye Mengru shouted coldly,

"Ye Qingge, all this is your fault!

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be shut up in the backyard by grandpa!If it wasn't for you, Rong Shizi wouldn't have given up on me!It's all you!You ruined everything for me! ! ! "

"No, you ruined yourself." Ye Qingge said calmly, "At the beginning, your second wife murdered me, ruined my appearance, and sold me to traffickers. I was lucky and escaped.

After I came back, you tried every means to frame me, and Mrs. Bai even used the most despicable means to destroy my reputation, but the retribution was on you instead.

All of this is your own fault.

Ye Mengru, let me give you the last sentence, you can still live if you do evil by the sky, but you can't live if you do evil by yourself!

You chose to cling to an old man, and you chose to betray the Ye family. You asked for all of this, and you can't blame others. "

"Oh no----"

Ye Mengru was hit by Ye Qingge's pain point, she refused to admit it even though she was beaten to death, it was all her fault.

It was Ye Qingge, it was all Ye Qingge's fault!It's her fault!
"Little bitch, don't be complacent, you will die soon! This time, I won't be as stupid as Huangfu Qianqian, just slashing your face.

I will draw ten knives, one hundred knives, and you will never be able to see anyone for the rest of your life! "

"What did you say? My face was ruined by Huangfu Qianqian?"

Ye Qingge frowned, and quickly grasped the point, her expression was very surprised. She always thought that her face was ruined by Mrs. Bai, but she didn't expect it to be Huangfu Qianqian!

Such a Concubine Ye Gui, such a Huang Fu Qianqian, these two people are really deep enough to hide!
Ye Mengru only has hatred in her heart now, she doesn't care what she said at all, since Ye Qingge is going to die anyway, it doesn't matter if she knows the truth.

"Uncle Bai, hurry up, Ye Qingge has a lot of tricks, if this continues, maybe she won't be able to be locked up."

Ye Mengru was eager to kill Ye Qingge, so she urged Patriarch Bai to do it quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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