Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 260 Bai Qingmei, die!

Chapter 260 Bai Qingmei, die!
"Impossible! How could your speed be so fast?" Ye Mengru couldn't believe it.

Ye Qingge raised the corners of her lips and responded with a smile, "My speed has always been this fast."

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingge clenched the silver needle tightly again, and just as she was about to take Ye Mengru's life, a bloated middle-aged woman suddenly ran out from the side and shouted loudly,

"Ye Qingge, let go of my daughter!"

Ye Qingge looked towards the source of the sound, and with this look, he saw Bai Qingmei.

There was so much commotion tonight that even the second bedroom of Ye's family who lived in the side courtyard was awakened. Because Bai Qingmei was worried about Ye Mengru, she ran over to check on the situation.

Unexpectedly, something happened to Ye Mengru.

"Mom! Help me!"

Seeing Bai Qingmei appearing, Ye Mengru immediately called for help, her face full of grievances.

Seeing this, Bai Qingmei took out her elder airs and yelled at Ye Qingge: "Ye Qingge, no matter what Mengru said, she is also your cousin, do you still have humanity?"

"Second Madam, are you talking about humanity with me? Why didn't you think about humanity when you sold me to traffickers and held my funeral?"

"Those are the orders of the old lady, we are only in charge of handling affairs, if you want revenge, you have to go to the old lady!
Besides, Patriarch Ye is also responsible. If he doesn't favor the first house or you, how can our second house deal with you! "

Bai Qingmei spoke clearly and logically, interpreting the four words "brazen and shameless" to the extreme, as if all mistakes were to be blamed on others, and she was an innocent white lotus.

I bother!

Ye Qingge was too lazy to talk nonsense, his eyes sharpened, and he struck directly, taking Ye Mengru's life.

Bai Qing winked at Ye Qingge's hand and rushed forward with all her strength, holding Ye Qingge's hand tightly. Ye Mengru took this opportunity to point the dagger at Ye Qingge!

"Hoo--" A cold light flashed, and Ye Qingge stepped back to avoid it.

At this time, Bai Qingmei's foot slipped, and Ye Mengru's dagger accidentally pierced Bai Qingmei's heart.

Bai Qingmei's eyes widened, before she could say anything, she died in the hands of Ye Mengru.


Ye Mengru was stunned, completely stunned, she actually killed her own mother with her own hands, no! ! !No! ! !
"Mother, wake up, mother, wake up!"

Ye Mengru shouted loudly, but no matter how much she shouted, Bai Qingmei didn't respond.

The flames of hatred are crazily breeding in Ye Mengru's heart, Ye Qingge, and it is because of Ye Qingge!

"Ah—I'm going to kill you!"

Ye Mengru rushed towards Ye Qingge recklessly.

Ye Qingge's face was cold, and her expression became slightly moved. Although Bai Qingmei was an enemy and did all kinds of bad things, she was great in saving Ye Mengru.

But even so, Ye Qingge would not sympathize with Bai Qingmei, let alone Ye Mengru.

She is not the Holy Mother, the other party tried to kill her time and time again, if he shows mercy, then she is digging her own grave!
"Ye Mengru, the person you want to hate is not me, but yourself, and you asked for all of this.

Just now Bai Qingmei tried her best to save you, but you only wanted to kill me. If you hadn't swung the dagger, Bai Qingmei might not have died. "

"No! It's your fault! It's all your fault!!!"

Ye Mengru would never admit that she had a problem. In this regard, she perfectly inherited Bai Qingmei's shamelessness.

Ye Qingge sneered, and flew out a silver needle, hitting Ye Mengru's heart.

Ye Mengru bent over to dodge, but still did not dodge, the silver needle pierced her right eye, and a stream of blood flowed from the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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