Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 266 Yujue's fiancee

Chapter 266 Yu Qianjue's Fiancee

Thinking of that scene, Ye Qingge's face turned red, and she couldn't calm down at all.

No, it's better to leave this matter to someone else.

"Guan Lao, Guan Lao..." Ye Qingge called anxiously, but there was no response. In desperation, she had no choice but to go back to her room with her clothes.

Rin and Guan Lao, who were in the dark, saw this scene, their eyes lit up, and they couldn't help but praise their wit!

"Rin, you said that His Highness woke up and found out that Miss Ye changed her clothes in person, what would you think?"

"Of course I'm so happy from ear to ear! This is a good opportunity to get in touch! Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, disheveled..."

"Okay, okay, don't think about such a scene, if you let His Highness know, you will not be sent to the Fengwu Empire as an undercover agent, and you will never return."

"Ah—I didn't say anything!" Rin quickly covered his mouth.

Guan Lao shook his head and smiled, very cunning.

But soon, this smile disappeared, replaced by an inexplicable loss.

Rin understood the loss, and said in a rather sad tone: "Miss Ye and Your Highness, it would be great if we could keep doing this forever, but it's a pity..."

"Don't think so much, we just do what we have to do."


"By the way, do you have any clues about the person His Highness is looking for this time?"

"Not yet, His Highness deliberately delayed this matter, and didn't want to find that person at all. After all, according to Emperor Longteng's intention, after His Highness finds that person, he must marry him immediately."

"If that's the case, don't ever find it." Guan Lao said in a cold voice, with a decisive expression on his face, completely lacking in his usual gentleness.

He is Yu Qianjue's father's old department, and he also watched Yu Qianjue grow up, and established a black market with Yu Qianjue, so he has a deep affection for Yu Qianjue.

In his heart, Yu Qianjue's happiness is everything.

If someone hinders Yu Qianjue's happiness, he will become the sharpest sword and kill that person without hesitation!

Even if that person is His Highness's nominal fiancee.

"By the way Rin, does the alchemist know about this?"

"Miss Ye only knows that His Highness is looking for someone, but she doesn't know who to look for. His Highness has ordered that Miss Ye must not be told about this, otherwise she will definitely think too much."

"Well, it must be kept secret."

Guan Lao frowned, his tone was firm, but he was always uncertain.

Paper can't wrap fire, how long can this secret be hidden?

I hope that on the day when the truth is revealed, Ye Qingge's injury can be a little bit smaller, and a little bit smaller.


The third floor of the black market, a secret darkroom.

Ye Qingge held the clothes and stood beside Yu Qianjue's bed with a hesitant expression. This stop was like a stick of incense.

During this stick of incense, all kinds of tempting images flashed through her mind, and she imagined countless results, but she just couldn't move!

Ever since she was sure that she liked Yu Qianjue, Ye Qingge's feelings towards Yu Qianjue became more and more subtle, complicated and shy.

She can't do things like looking at the naked body!

Although the first time they met, she saw him all...

"Hey! That's fine! Don't worry! Isn't it just a few abdominal muscles? It's not like I haven't seen it before!"

Ye Qingge took a deep breath, and then began to take off the clothes drastically, from the coat to the middle coat, and then to the inner garment, and finally only the crotch was left.

Ye Qingge really didn't want to take off this place, but the blood was stained here, so he couldn't change it.

Ye Qingge's cheeks flushed, she looked helplessly under the vest line, then slowly reached out and grabbed the corner of her crotch.

Just when she was about to pull—

Yu Qianjue suddenly woke up!
 About who the fiancée is, no spoilers for the time being, this book is absolutely sweet, absolutely not cruel!
(End of this chapter)

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