Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 275 The Miracle Doctor Hall Appears!

Chapter 275 The Miracle Doctor Hall Appears!
Patriarch Ye flickered, looked at the guards who fell on the ground, and then at Patriarch Lu and others who were out of breath.

He knew that the Ye family lost today's battle between Ye Bai.

Not only did he fail to avenge his granddaughter, but he also took the Ye family into account. Anger, hatred, unwillingness... All kinds of emotions piled up in Mr. Ye's heart. He was like a volcano that could erupt at any time, exuding a hellish aura.

He does not admit defeat!

Absolutely refuse to admit defeat!

Mr. Ye went all out. Holding his sword, he slashed at Patriarch Bai, struggling for the last time.

Patriarch Bai sneered, although he has no spiritual power, his ability to poison and use hidden weapons is better than Bai Xian'er.

When Mr. Ye rushed over, he was calculating the angle and position, and was preparing to give Mr. Ye a big gift—the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle!

This is the seventh-ranked lore of the Hidden Weapon Sect, and its speed is lightning fast. Even a ninth-level spiritual master can't dodge such a hidden weapon!
Not only that, but he also applied poison on the hidden weapon, even if he was not stabbed to death by the needle, he would be poisoned to death!

The Ye family is doomed this time!
His humiliation last night will soon be washed away!

Just when Mr. Ye was three meters away from Patriarch Bai, Patriarch Bai fired the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle with a bang!
Just when he was looking forward to it, when Mr. Ye's face was shot like a hedgehog, suddenly——

A powerful and strange spiritual force came from nowhere, and it turned all the rainstorm pear blossom needles abruptly, and shot them all in the direction of Ye Erye!

Ye Erye let out a scream, and before he had time to struggle, he fell to the ground and died on the spot!
"No!!! Dad!!!"

Ye Mengru lost several relatives in a row, lost control of her emotions in an instant, and finally fainted directly, and her body limp on the ground.

Patriarch Bai ignored Ye Mengru, he only had one thought now, besides fear, it was still fear!
Who is the master who can turn around the hidden weapon he is so proud of? This is his last life-saving trump card. It is the treasure he got from the hidden weapon sect with 500 million taels of gold and a favor from the Bai family!

"Who is it! Who is it! If you have the ability, get out of here for the Patriarch!"

Patriarch Bai shouted out of control.

Mr. Ye was also a little dazed, the hidden weapon just now was too fierce and fast, and he didn't react for a while.

At this time, a melodious and pleasant voice came in a short and effective way,

"Ye Family, the Miracle Doctor Hall has been secured."

Hall of Miraculous Doctors!
It turned out to be a hall of divine medicine!

Patriarch Bai's body shook, and his eyes were full of fear and depression. This miracle doctor hall, like the black market, was a force he could not provoke.

This time the black market did not come, Patriarch Bai was very lucky, thinking that he could take the opportunity to get rid of the Ye family.

Unexpectedly, before the black market appeared, the Miracle Doctor Hall came first.

No, don't panic, the Miracle Doctor Hall just made a noise and hasn't shown up yet, if we communicate, maybe we still have a chance!

Patriarch Bai was very unwilling, but still whispered: "Your Excellency, Fengyun Sect will come soon. If the Divine Doctor Hall doesn't want to cause trouble, it's best not to get involved in this matter."

"Are you threatening this young master?" That pleasant voice raised its pitch slightly, and at the same time it was a little colder, which made people's hearts tremble.

Patriarch Bai's face was dark. If it wasn't for the strange spiritual power just now that made him afraid, he would have fought back long ago!
Taking a deep breath, Patriarch Bai seemed to have made up his mind, and then said again: "If the Divine Doctor Hall is willing to withdraw, Feng Yunzong is willing to owe the Divine Doctor Hall a favor, and it will be repaid in the future!

Young master, you have to think carefully about what is more important between Fengyunzong and Ye family. "

(End of this chapter)

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