Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 279 The Death of Patriarch Bai

Chapter 279 The Death of Patriarch Bai

"Master Messenger, don't be polite to this stinky girl, kill her quickly to avoid future troubles!"

Patriarch Bai hated Ye Qingge deeply, seeing that the middle-aged envoy had made up his mind, he immediately fanned the flames.

The middle-aged envoy had a stern face, his eyes sharpened, and he was ready to make a move immediately.

Yu Qianjue stood in front of Ye Qingge and firmly protected Ye Qingge. With his strength, it was no problem at all to deal with the envoy of Fengyunzong.

The middle-aged envoy glanced at Yu Qianjue, and when he realized that Yu Qianjue's strength was actually superior to his, his expression suddenly became solemn!
In a small place like Qingyun, there is such a powerful master, and this kid looks very young, which is really weird.

Just to be on the safe side, the middle-aged envoy said: "Young man, if you interfere with the Fengyun Sect's work, there will definitely be no good end. You have to think carefully about it."

"Ye Qingge is mine, if you want to touch her, pass me first!"

Yu Qianjue expressed his attitude that he wanted to protect Ye Qingge, and he didn't care about Fengyunzong.

The middle-aged envoy was rejected face to face, and his face was extremely ugly. He didn't care how strong Yu Qianjue was, and directly ordered: "Kill!"

The rest of the Fengyun Sect masters immediately attacked Yu Qianjue and the others when they heard the middle-aged envoy's order.

The black market masters brought by Ye Qingge were not easy to use. After the Fengyun Sect attacked, they also started to make moves.

The scene once again entered a white-hot stage, and neither side gave way to the other.

The middle-aged envoy didn't like the stalemate, so he cast a few moves of the spirit blade at Yu Qianjue, and then directly bypassed Yu Qianjue and killed Ye Qingge, this was his goal!
"call out!"

A spiritual blade slashed across Ye Qingge's cheek.

Ye Qingge dodged it narrowly, and was afraid for a while. She had just been promoted to a first-level spirit warrior, and the rank of the middle-aged envoy was completely different, and she was not the opponent of the other party at all!

This is Hongmeng Continent, where the strong are respected. Even though her current strength is among the best in Qingyun Country, looking at the entire eastern part, she is really too weak.

"This is Fengyunzong's method, bullying the small with the big, bullying the weak with the strong?"

Yu Qianjue's icy voice came, and he directly met the middle-aged envoy. Hundreds of fist-sized flames wandered beside Yu Qianjue.

Three thousand fires!

Seeing this spiritual skill, the middle-aged envoy's expression changed suddenly, and he immediately raised his hand to form a barrier, but he still insisted on saying, "This girl ruined Fengyunzong's plan, damn it!"

Yu Qianjue didn't talk nonsense, and directly rotated the fireballs, one after another, smashing towards the enchantment of the middle-aged messenger!

The fireball didn't smash the barrier, but it raised the temperature inside the barrier. Within a short while, the middle-aged envoy was flushed and sweaty, like an old boiled lobster.

"Ah! It's so hot! It's so hot!" the middle-aged messenger yelled anxiously.

At this time, Lin led the masters of the black market, and had already successfully captured the guards of the Bai family, Feng Yunzong and others.

The people who came today were all elite troops from the black market, and it was no problem to deal with the Bai family.

Patriarch Bai saw that the general situation was over, and his expression was very anxious. He wanted to run away, but was stopped by Rin, "Patriarch Bai, where do you want to go?"

"Go away!" Patriarch Bai yelled, grabbed a pack of poisonous powder, and sprinkled it on Rin's face.

With a flick of his sleeve, Rin bounced back all the poisonous powder and sent it back to Patriarch Bai.

This poisonous powder is extremely strong, even a little bit of it will kill you. Patriarch Bai's eyes widened. He didn't have time to take the antidote, so he died under his own poisonous powder!
(End of this chapter)

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