Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 284 Bai Xian'er, die!

Chapter 284 Bai Xian'er, die!
"Bai Xian'er, this envoy warns you, don't think that your sister is Bai Lian'er, this envoy will not dare to do anything to you, I will give you one last chance, if you don't hand over the treasure, this envoy will kill you immediately!"

The voice of the middle-aged messenger was so loud that it shook the ground within a radius of one mile.

Seeing this, Ye Qingge immediately understood what the middle-aged envoy meant. Fengyunzong was looking for an ancient spirit spring. If Fengyunzong knew that the spirit spring was in her hands, there would definitely be trouble.

Ye Qingge squinted his eyes, his eyes were deep, thinking about countermeasures secretly.

At this time, the middle-aged messenger took out a dagger without hesitation, and slashed fiercely on Bai Xian'er's face!
"Ah! My face!"

Bai Xian'er screamed loudly, covering the wound with both hands, her eyes were extremely angry.

What women care about most is their appearance. The middle-aged messenger is really ruthless, and he defeated Bai Xian'er's defense line in one fell swoop.

But Bai Xian'er really didn't know where the Lingquan was. She had a nightmare last night, and when she woke up today, Patriarch Bai was heartbroken because of Young Master Bai's death, and he didn't have time to tell her the truth.

As for the guards last night, I don't know what Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue stole. After all, this is the biggest secret of the Bai family, and only the direct bloodline knows it.

"Master Messenger, Xian'er doesn't understand, Xian'er really doesn't understand, please forgive me!"

Bai Xian'er cried and begged for mercy, she had already been disfigured and could no longer die.

The middle-aged envoy obviously didn't believe Bai Xian'er's words, he grabbed Bai Xian'er's neck, with an extremely ferocious face, and asked angrily again, "Hurry up and hand over the things!"


"call out--"

This time, before Bai Xian'er could speak, a dark dart flew out from nowhere and pierced through the heart from behind, killing her on the spot!
Bai Xian'er is dead.

"Ah! Damn!!! Who is sneaking up!"

The middle-aged messenger cursed loudly, the last clue was broken, how should he return to life when he goes back?If this mission is not successful, his future will be ruined!
The branch spring of the ancient spirit spring is a treasure that is not easy to find in the Fengyun sect. We are just waiting to move this branch spring back and join the branch spring of the inner sect!
"Master Messenger, what should we do?" A Fengyun Sect disciple asked in a low voice.

"Shut up!" The middle-aged envoy's face darkened. In this situation, what can he do?
Even if he blamed everything on the Bai family, he would not be punished unless... Thinking of that possibility, the middle-aged envoy's eyes lit up, and his depressed face immediately turned calm.

"Let's go! Return to the sect!"

The middle-aged envoy spoke loudly, then turned around and strode away with the Fengyun Sect members.

Ye Qingge felt a little relieved when he saw the group of people leaving from their backs. No matter what, Feng Yunzong didn't suspect her for the time being, which is a good thing.

However, the dart just now was shot by Yu Qianjue, right?
"Thank you." Ye Qingge said in a low voice, thanking Yu Qianjue in a low voice.

"Thank you for what?" Yu Qianjue was puzzled.

"You did that dart just now, right?" Ye Qingge asked in a low voice that only the two of them could hear.

Yu Qianjue shook his head, he did kill Bai Xian'er just now, but he used spiritual power to secretly destroy Bai Xian'er's heart, and did not use darts.

"It's not you, who would it be?" Ye Qingge was puzzled, and then began to worry.

Since the other party killed Bai Xian'er at such a critical moment, he should know about the ancient Lingquan and deliberately cover her.


(End of this chapter)

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