Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 289 Gong Wuchen Rehabilitation

Chapter 289 Gong Wuchen Rehabilitation

"He has something to do, he's been very busy recently."

Ye Qingge responded lightly, the loss in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

Since the Bai family incident ended, she and Yu Qianjue only met twice, each time not worth a stick of incense.

She is very busy, busy saving people, but what is Yu Qianjue busy with?
Sometimes, Ye Qingge wanted to take the initiative to ask questions, but she couldn't speak when the words came to her lips.

What is her relationship with Yu Qianjue?What qualifications do you have to ask about Yu Qianjue?If some secrets were involved, wouldn't it be embarrassing if he didn't want to tell them?
Many times, Ye Qingge couldn't figure out Yu Qianjue's heart. She didn't know too many things, whether it was Yu Qianjue's origin or what Yu Qianjue was going to do, she didn't know anything.

But after thinking about it, this is good, at least a safe distance is maintained, and even if it is lost, it will not be too sad.

Thinking about it, Ye Qingge suddenly felt that the food was not tasty. Things like feelings are really troublesome!

"Sister Qingge, what's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Nangong Ling noticed Ye Qingge's emotions, and asked cautiously, and her address changed from a joking "destined person" to Qingge's sister.

Ye Qingge forced a smile and said, "It's okay, I'm fine."

Seeing this smile, Nangong Ling was even more worried!

With a big brain, she couldn't help but said, "Sister Qingge, there must be someone outside Yu Qianjue, right? You bastard! You wait! I'm going to teach him a lesson!"

"No, don't mess around!"

Ye Qingge grabbed Nangong Ling who was about to run wildly, and couldn't help frowning. What was in this little witch's head, and why did she think of that.

Although Yu Qianjue kept many secrets from her, there was one thing Ye Qingge was sure of, that Yu Qianjue would never go to another woman behind her back.

Besides, she and Yu Qianjue haven't confirmed their relationship yet...

"Okay, okay, you can eat, and go to your onmyoji after eating, you don't have to worry about my affairs."

"Oh fine."

Nangong Ling lowered her head and prayed silently in her heart, hoping that she was thinking wildly. Sister Qingge and Yu Qianjue were so well matched, she didn't want anything to happen between them.

The atmosphere of the dinner began to change, Ye Qingge and Nangong Ling had their own concerns.

After eating, Ye Qingge originally planned to go to rest, but counting the days, today is the last time she will deliver spiritual spring water to Gong Wuchen, and half of the consultation fee from the Miracle Doctor Hall has not been paid, so she has to go out to make money.

Leaving Ye's house, Ye Qingge didn't put on her veil again, and walked quickly towards the hall of divine medicine.

On the way, Ye Qingge bought a pot of carnations, which symbolized auspiciousness, and hoped that Gong Wuchen would be safe and sound in the future.

After Gong Wuchen received the flowers, he was very happy, all the joy was written on his face.

The spotless white clothes were paired with a delicate and handsome smiling face, and the young man's clean and clear eyes seemed to be full of sunshine.

He carefully placed the carnations on the table, and then said, "In the past, men gave flowers to women. Unexpectedly, this time, I have a special case."

"This is different. I am a doctor, and you are a patient. You are about to recover. Sending you a pot of flowers represents my heart."


Gong Wuchen still kept smiling, but this smile was a little more disappointed than before.

Not between a man and a woman, but between a doctor and a patient. Although he was very clear about his relationship with Ye Qingge, after hearing Ye Qingge's explanation, Gong Wuchen was still very sad.

(End of this chapter)

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