Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 302

Chapter 302

Noticing that Ye Qingge was staring at her, Huangfu Jingshu restrained herself a little, and changed back to her original appearance.

Ye Qingge understood that this was the other party's trick!

There is definitely something wrong with her pulse condition!

Feeling the pulse again, Ye Qingge paid careful attention to the pulse, and found that although it was a joy pulse, there was a faint aura flowing, and this aura was not hers.

"Girl, when the old imperial doctor gave you the pulse, he intentionally sent a wave of spiritual power into your body, disturbing your normal pulse.

Because your strength is too weak, you didn't notice it.

If I guessed correctly, it would take three days for this spiritual power to dissipate. "

"What? Three days later?"

Ye Qingge frowned. Three days later, news of her pregnancy must be flying all over the sky. By then, even if she came out to show that her pulse was normal, others would think she had a miscarriage.

No wonder Huangfu Jingshu was so calm, no wonder the old imperial doctor insisted that the routine was so deep!
Ye Qingge didn't expect that he, a genius doctor, would be tricked by others in terms of medical skills. What should he do now?
"Mr. Kun, why didn't you remind me earlier?"

"I help you every time. What will you do when I'm gone? Young people, you have to learn to grow by yourself." Kun Laoyu earnestly persuaded.

Ye Qingge didn't bother to care about it, she quickly thought about the countermeasures in her mind, and she must not let the news of pregnancy come true, otherwise, even if she jumped into the Yellow River after this incident, she would not be able to clear it up.

"Patriarch, the doctor from the mansion is here."

Ye Han went to invite a doctor just now, and within a stick of incense, he called the doctor.

Along the way, Ye Han had already told the doctor about the matter, and when the doctor came, he was ready to give Ye Qingge his pulse.

"Miss Six, can I start?" The doctor looked at Ye Qingge respectfully and asked.

Ye Qingge frowned, and was splashed with dirty water by the old imperial doctor, that's all.

If her doctor said it again, then she really couldn't explain it clearly, damn it!How can I do?
Ye Qingge was flustered and didn't respond.

At this moment, she thought that Yu Qianjue was by her side, if he was there, there must be a way to solve this matter, and she would not be as passive as she is now.

"Miss Six, what's wrong with you?" The doctor asked again.

Seeing this, the old imperial doctor stroked the goatee, and said in a very high-key manner: "What's wrong with her, of course she didn't dare to be examined, she became pregnant before leaving the court, the Ye family can't afford to lose that person."

"you shut up!"

Ye Han pulled out his sword and pointed it directly at the old imperial doctor. If it wasn't for the fact that the old man was from the palace, he would have killed this nonsense bastard with one sword!
"Hmph, even if the old man shuts up, he won't be able to change a certain fact." The old imperial doctor was still rampant. Anyway, with Princess Jingshu as his backstage, he wasn't afraid.


Ye Han was really angry, and regardless of the rules or not, he walked directly towards the old imperial doctor and kicked him hard!

The old imperial doctor was caught off guard, and was kicked to the ground by Ye Han. He yelled loudly on the spot, "Ah—His Royal Highness, what did the old minister do wrong? Why is the Ye family utterly unreasonable? It hurts the old minister to death—"

"Stop pretending! I only used three parts of my strength!"

Although Ye Han was angry, he acted with discretion and didn't really do anything to the old imperial doctor.

But the old imperial doctor and Huangfu Jingshu were here to find fault. When encountering such a thing, of course they would make use of it.

"It hurts—it hurts—Princess help—"

The old imperial doctor was still lying on the ground, making misery all the time.

Ye Qingge's face darkened, he couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted angrily on the spot: "Enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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