Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 304

Chapter 304
"No! What I said is the truth!"

The old imperial doctor didn't dare to confess Huangfu Jingshu, he can only go one way to the dark, dragging Ye Qingge down the quagmire with all his strength.

Ye Qingge is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. Now that she has control of the initiative, she can use her fists.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, Miss Ben has a lot of ways to let you speak up."

After speaking, Ye Qingge took out a silver needle and walked towards the old imperial doctor on the ground.

The old imperial doctor shrank his neck and said in a panic, "What do you want to do?"

"Since you are also a doctor, you should know that there are many dead spots on people's bodies. If some dead spots are pierced, you will automatically tell the truth in a short time, right?"

"No...you can't do anything to me! I'm the royal doctor in the palace!"

The old imperial doctor can be regarded as having some medical skills. He immediately understood what Ye Qingge wanted to do. He had heard that Ye Qingge was not only good at refining medicine, but also had extraordinary medical skills.

Not only cured the young master of the Miraculous Doctor Hall and the second miss of the Lu family, but also forced Rong Shizi to tell the "truth about the conspiracy" during the black market auction.

Such a miracle doctor, if he tortured himself, he would definitely not be able to stand it!

"Your Highness, save the old minister! The old minister was really wronged!" The old imperial doctor looked at Huangfu Jingshu, and now he could only pin all his hopes on the princess.

Huangfu Jingshu's face darkened, and her expression became gloomy. She never expected that Ye Qingge would have such a trick. At first, she really underestimated her!
No wonder the Bai family and Bai Xian'er were destroyed in her hands, she really has some skills.

However, if she just let it go today, she would not be reconciled!
"Miss Ye Six, since you are not pregnant, then find a few more doctors to prove your innocence.

You are threatening the old imperial doctor like this now, people who don't know, think you are guilty. "

Huangfu Jingshu spoke indifferently, although her voice was not high, but every word and every word carried a kind of lethal force inexplicably.

Ye Qingge was not stage-frightened either, and sneered back: "Princess is so hard to protect him, I'm afraid you are the one with a guilty conscience? You came to my Ye family for no reason, and you brought a confused imperial doctor with you for no reason. People who don't know , I thought it was the princess who wanted to frame Miss Ben."

"Miss Ye Six, you really misunderstood this. This princess has always admired you. You are a genius alchemist and the pride of my Qingyun. How could I frame you?"

"In that case, please explain to the princess, the reason why you brought this imperial doctor here today is really just a coincidence?"

Ye Qingge is aggressive, the other party has been singing for so long, if she doesn't fight back, how can she be worthy of that "good intentions"?
Huangfu Jingshu was asked about the point, but she didn't look flustered, and said calmly as usual,

"In the beginning, this princess wanted the imperial doctor to show Patriarch Ye, Patriarch Ye is old and the head of the family, he must be very busy on weekdays, so he must pay more attention to maintenance.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it turned into a farce, which is really helpless. "

"The princess admitted that it was a farce, that is to say, the imperial doctor is making trouble for no reason?"


Huangfu Jingshu was choked again, she didn't expect Ye Qingge to be so smart, she caught her logical loophole all at once, and she really said too many mistakes.

Huangfu Jingshu was depressed, irritable, and unwilling!

After tossing and tossing for so long, it didn't do any good. Instead, I got myself into trouble. I'm really pissed off!

After living for so many years, besides Bai Lian'er, Ye Qingge is the first person to embarrass her so much!

Can't let it go!
(End of this chapter)

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