Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 314 Dragon Empire, Special Envoy 1

Chapter 314 Dragon Empire, Special Envoy 1
"Back to Miss Six...not yet..."

Rin was ashamed, after so long, with so many guards in the Ye family, he couldn't even find Yu Qianjue's shadow.

Ye Qingge was not angry, she knew very well that Yu Qianjue had a strong background, and it was understandable that the guards of the Ye family could not be found.

However, going on like this is not an option.

How long will it take for Yu Qianjue to give her an explanation?
Ye Qingge looked at the sky helplessly. The clear blue color was like a sea, and it also resembled Yu Qianjue's deep eyes.

Qianjue, what secret do you have?Why can't you tell me?Don't we even have this little trust between us?
The more Ye Qingge thought about it, the more frustrated she became, but fortunately she went back to practice.

In the next few days, people in Qingyun Kingdom were in a state of panic. In order to track down the murderer, the emperor put all the suspects in prison and tortured them in various ways, but nothing was found.

Finally, the Criminal Department came to Ye's house.

The Ye family is now the No. [-] family of Qingyun, and there is Ye Qingge, a genius alchemist, so the Ministry of Criminal Justice did not dare to make too much trouble. It just took a formality, asked a few questions, and then left.

When Huangfu Jingshu heard the news, she was so angry that she dropped the medicine bowl!Then he ran to the imperial study room and directly questioned the emperor, "Father, Ye Qingge must have done this assassination. Why didn't you help Jing Shu to avenge her? Jing Shu is your most beloved daughter!"

"Jing Shu, don't mess around, don't talk nonsense without evidence." The emperor had a headache, one side was his daughter, and the other was a genius alchemist, he was reluctant to bear both, but fortunately he just pretended to be confused.

Huangfu Jingshu was not reconciled, she couldn't bear such a big loss!

"Father, I'm not talking nonsense! It must be Ye Qingge who did it! Let the Criminal Department investigate again, and there will definitely be clues!"

"Jingshu, my father said that this matter has nothing to do with the Ye family, if you keep messing around like this, don't blame my father for punishing you!"

Who is the emperor, Qingyun Kingdom No.1!
Even if it is a daughter, she can't tell him what to do and interfere with his decision.

Ye family, Ye Qingge, don't move!

He also counted on this family to help him contain Fengyunzong, so that he could reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

Seeing that the emperor had made up his mind, Huangfu Jingshu understood that in this world where the strong are respected, ability is everything, and pampering such a thing is just a matter of mood.

In this matter, she can only suffer from being dumb. If the trouble continues, it will not do her any good.

Unwilling, Huangfu Jingshu finally squeezed out a smile and said to the emperor: "Thank you, Father, for your concern, Jingshu understands."

"It's good to understand. Your injury is almost healed. Tomorrow, the Dragon Empire will send an envoy. You should be responsible for receiving it."

"Longteng Empire? Isn't that the strongest empire in the Hongmeng Continent? Why did they suddenly visit us, Qingyun?" Huangfu Jingshu immediately shifted her thoughts after hearing the "Longteng Empire".

The hatred for Ye Qingge is important, but the sudden visit of the Dragon Empire is even more important!
You know, there are only two countries in the entire Hongmeng Continent, which can be called empires, one is the Dragon Empire, and the other is the Phoenix Dance Empire.

These two empires are located in the central part of the Hongmeng Continent, with a vast geography, strong strength, rich resources, and countless powerful people who control the fate of the entire continent.

Countries like Qingyun Kingdom can only be regarded as small cities in front of the Longteng Empire.

It is such a huge country that actually sends envoys to Qingyun, there is definitely something wrong with it!
(End of this chapter)

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