Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 316 Another Banquet

Chapter 316 Another Banquet
She thought about it again, Yu Qianjue is from the Dragon Empire, Lin called him "His Royal Highness", could the special envoy this time have something to do with Yu Qianjue?
After thinking of this possibility, Ye Qingge directly dressed up, and then took Ye Han, Nan Gongling, and Ye Mengqi to the palace together.

On the other side, the Miracle Doctor Hall, the Lu family and other families also received invitations.

The imperial palace, which had been suppressed for a long time, returned to its former bustle. Everyone forgot about the assassination of the princess, and they were all immersed in the glory.

After all, the Longteng Empire specially sent envoys, this is a big event with a long face, enough to be recorded in the annals of history!
"Everyone eat and drink well first. The special envoy is resting after a long journey, and will come out later. Please bear with me."

Huangfu Jingshu was in charge of the banquet, the emperor only gave her one day, and she arranged all the details of the banquet in an orderly manner.

From the seating order of the guests to the delicious dishes and wines, everything is leak-free, and there is no fault to be found.

When the guests were happy, they couldn't help but start to praise.

"As expected of Princess Jingshu, she is beautiful, talented, and considerate. Whoever marries her in the future will definitely be lucky!"

"That's right, Princess Jingshu is the pride of our Qingyun country, Qingyun girl No. 1!"

"That's right! Princess Jingshu is really amazing, I really envy her!"

"Haha, if everyone praises like that again, Princess Jingshu will be badly praised by you, and in our Qingyun Kingdom, besides Princess Jingshu, there is also a heroine among women, she is a real genius!"

"Wow! Are you talking about Ye Qingge? She is indeed very powerful. After eating the spirit-gathering liquid she refined, my strength soared and I broke through the bottleneck directly!"

"Well, Ye Qingge and Princess Jingshu are both very good, but if I remember correctly, Ye Qingge seems to be pregnant before marriage, right?"

"Those are all rumors, don't talk nonsense!"


Most of the people who attended the banquet were dignitaries from Qingyun Kingdom, and they were all well-informed. After getting together, there were various discussions.

Ye Qingge sat at the front of the banquet, not interested in listening to those gossips, the only thing she cares about now is the purpose of Longteng's special envoy.

However, before she could sort out her thoughts, some people who liked to find fault appeared.

Huangfu Qianqian was sitting opposite Ye Qingge, staring at Ye Qingge all the time, feeling 1 dissatisfied in her heart!

Ye Qingge, a bitch, is even worthy of sitting opposite her?It is simply a humiliation to her!

There were also discussions on the spot, all talking about Huangfu Jingshu and Ye Qingge, no one was talking about her, Huangfu Jingshu was fine, anyway, she was always on top of her head.

But what about Ye Qingge?
Ye Qingge why!
It doesn't matter if she can make medicine, this is the palace, she is a princess, her status is obviously higher than Ye Qingge!


what! ! !
While scolding Ye Qingge in his heart, Huangfu Qianqian viciously conveyed killing intent towards Ye Qingge.

Ye Qingge glanced at Huangfu Qianqian, with a sneer on her lips, this princess is quite shameless, she even dared to stare at her now after ruining her appearance.

See who can play who!

"Cousin Qingge, long time no see. I heard that you were unwell a few days ago. I wanted to go to Ye's house to see you, but unfortunately I was too busy and didn't have time. Are you feeling better?"

Huangfu Qianqian opened her mouth hypocritically, showing a concerned expression on purpose, but she was actually looking for faults, which made people think.

Ye Qingge is in poor health?

What's wrong?
Pregnant first before marriage, and later said she was not pregnant, could it be a miscarriage?

(End of this chapter)

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