Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 320 Shocked, he has a fiancee!

Chapter 320 Shocked, he has a fiancee!

At this moment, Ye Qingge is like a defensive hedgehog, more difficult to provoke than His Royal Highness.

Seeing Ye Qingge's appearance, Yu Qianjue felt very complicated. He wanted to speak, but stopped.

In the end, he didn't say anything, just looked at another place, and ignored Ye Qingge.

Because of this scene, the atmosphere of the banquet became more delicate.

As the host, Emperor Qingyun really didn't know what to do. After all, neither Ye Qingge nor Yu Qianjue wanted to offend.

Fortunately, Huangfu Jingshu is in charge of the overall situation of the banquet today.

The emperor gave Huangfu Jingshu a look, signaling for her to speak and adjust the atmosphere.

Huangfu Jingshu understood, she looked at Shangguan, smiled and said,

"Master Shangguan, you are the special envoy of the Dragon Empire. I don't know why you came to our Qingyun country this time. If the Qingyun royal family can help you, you will definitely go through fire and water, and it is your duty."

"Princess, if you don't tell me, I'm really embarrassed to mention it. In fact, this time I came to Qingyun Kingdom, there is indeed an important matter..."

While speaking, Lord Shangguan observed Yu Qianjue's expression, and after making sure that Yu Qianjue would not object, he slowly opened his mouth and said,

"His Royal Highness Jue Wang has reached the age of marriageability. I have come to Qingyun Kingdom to help him find the future concubine under the order of Emperor Longteng."

"What? His Royal Highness is actually going to choose a concubine in Qingyun? Did I hear correctly?"

"How could the famous Dragon Empire choose a concubine in Qingyun Kingdom?"

"Tsk tsk, who is the lucky girl who can be chosen by His Royal Highness to marry into the Dragon Empire? That is a blessing of eight lifetimes!"


There was a lot of discussion and various speculations, but the voices were very low.

At this time, Huangfu Qianqian, who had known the truth for a long time, had a smug smile on her lips. The position of Prince Jue and Concubine must belong to her!
As for Ye Qingge, she is not even worthy of carrying her shoes now!

Compared with Huangfu Qianqian's excitement, Ye Qingge almost collapsed.

Yu Qianjue not only pretended not to know her, but also wanted to choose a concubine, what happened?why?

Ye Qingge couldn't figure it out, her calmness and rationality disappeared the moment she fell in love, even if she reminded herself countless times, don't care, don't care.

But every time it has something to do with Yu Qianjue, she can't control it!

Seeing everyone's reaction, Lord Shangguan smiled lightly, and then began to explain: "Actually, the selection of concubines this time is not the selection of concubines in the traditional sense, but the concubine who is looking for His Royal Highness.

Not long ago, the Grand Master of the Dragon Empire had divination the fate of His Royal Highness the King Jue.

The result of divination showed that His Highness's fiancée was in Qingyun Kingdom, and she had a plum blossom birthmark on her body. As long as she could be married, her life would be smooth and smooth.

I came this time to follow Emperor Longteng's order to find the girl with the plum blossom birthmark on her body. "


Just as Lord Shangguan finished speaking, there was the sound of wine glasses breaking on the ground at the banquet.

Everyone was stunned.

The emperor frowned, displeased, and looked towards the source of the voice.

I saw Huangfu Qianqian looking at Mr. Shangguan with a face of surprise, shock and disbelief.

The emperor thought that the daughter didn't understand the rules, so he scolded: "Huangfu Qianqian, you have disturbed Lord Shangguan, what should you do!"

"Father, calm down! Qianqian didn't mean that! Qianqian just...just..."

Huangfu Qianqian left the seat and knelt in the center. She showed her acting skills all her life, and she looked hesitant to speak, but also frightened, very realistic!

(End of this chapter)

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