Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 330 If there are different phases in the sky, there must be demons!

Chapter 330 If there are different phases in the sky, there must be demons!

"Yu Qianjue! I hate you! I hate you!!!"

Ye Qingge came to a small lake outside the city. She roared towards the lake, and after finishing roaring, she still felt that it was not enough.

At this time, Ye Qingge noticed that the aura in her body began to rush wildly!

Is this a prelude to promotion?

Before Ye Qingge could figure it out, suddenly——

A gust of wind blew up all around, the ground trembled, the vegetation grew wildly, and even the calm lake water began to be choppy!
Where there are abnormalities in the sky, there must be demons!

Ye Qingge looked around vigilantly, not letting go of any details, but after observing for a while, she found that these abnormalities all revolved around a center - there was herself!
The violent factors around, although chaotic and terrifying, did not hurt her, as if they were protecting her in this way.

"Mr. Kun, what's going on?" Ye Qingge couldn't help being curious.

Elder Kun didn't understand either. He had lived for so many years and had seen countless grotesque scenes, but this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Could it be... because of the Supreme Eucharist?

Mr. Kun could not determine the reason, but based on his many years of experience, he suggested,

"Girl, don't worry about it so much, since the spiritual power in your body is skyrocketing, then take this opportunity to practice and upgrade!"


Ye Qingge nodded, then closed her eyes and began to meditate.

She turned all her anger and dissatisfaction with Yu Qianjue into the motivation to practice, as long as she is strong enough, she will have confidence!

After Ye Qingge began to practice, the strange phenomena around him did not stop, but intensified, the lake water became more and more turbulent, and the grass that used to be half a finger long was almost waist-length now.

But no matter how the environment changed, the place where Ye Qingge stayed was still safe and sound, like a pure land between heaven and earth.

However, when Ye Qingge was concentrating on cultivation, the others couldn't calm down.

Especially Mr. Ye, when he knew that his granddaughter had been wronged in the palace and finally disappeared, he directly picked up the guy and decided to settle accounts with Yu Qianjue!

"Well, you brat, my Patriarch didn't settle accounts with you, yet you bullied Qingge again!

Come on!Together with the Patriarch, go to the palace! "

Mr. Ye is extremely defensive, now that Ye Qingge is gone, of course he wants to settle accounts with Yu Qianjue.

Ye Han and Nangong Ling also agreed with this approach. Ye Qingge has suffered so many grievances, of course he wants to take revenge, and he must teach Yu Qianjue a lesson!
But after being impulsive, they felt that this method was inappropriate.

Ye Mengqi was the calmest and most objective, and explained to Mr. Ye earnestly: "Grandpa, you must not be impulsive now.

Sister Qingge is gone, our first task is to find someone, not settle accounts with Yu Qianjue.

Furthermore, you should be aware of Yu Qianjue's strength, even if the entire Ye family is combined, it may not be his opponent.

What's more, now, he has a special envoy from the Dragon Empire as the backstage. I heard that this time the special envoy has brought many experts, and none of them is easy.

Our Ye family rushed over like this, no different from courting death. "

"My master knows! But my master can't swallow that breath!!!"

Mr. Ye has been in the rich and powerful circle for many years, of course he knows the pros and cons of it, but he just can't bear it. Qingge is his most beloved granddaughter and his heart.

Now that Qing Ge is gone, how could he be so calm!

All of this, after all, is Yu Qianjue's fault!

If it wasn't for that kid, Qingge wouldn't be like this!
(End of this chapter)

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