Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 334 Abolishing Huangfu Qianqian's Arm

Chapter 334 Abolishing Huangfu Qianqian's Arm
If it wasn't for that plum blossom birthmark, Shangguan would have replaced Yu Qianjue and dragged Huangfu Qianqian down by now!
Huangfu Qianqian saw that she had said a lot, but Yu Qianjue still did not change his mind, and his suppressed emotions were completely out of control!
"Your Highness, how can I not be worthy of you!

That bitch Ye Qingge has disappeared!She will not come back!I am the most suitable for you! "

"To shut up!"

Ye Qingge is Yu Qianjue's weakness, no one is allowed to say that she is wrong, Huangfu Qianqian's doing so is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

However, the irrational Huangfu Qianqian did not realize the consequences of doing so.

She just continued to roar and curse angrily: "You don't want me to say it, but I want to say it!
Why did Ye Qingge rob you from me?I have a plum blossom birthmark, I am your fiancée, we are destined by nature!

Ye Qingge is a vixen!Not only seduced you, but also seduced Rong Shizi, Lu Xiao, and Gong Wuchen!A slut like her is not worthy of your liking at all! "

Huangfu Qianqian cursed cracklingly, only regretting that she had lost a mouth and scolded hard enough.

After hearing this, Yu Qianjue changed from initial anger to indifference.

Once he shows such an expression, there is only one consequence, someone is going to die!

Yu Qianjue's eyes sharpened, and he asked in an evil and cold voice, "You said, you have a plum blossom birthmark, so you are a natural match with me?"

"That's right! Your Highness and I are the best match!" Huangfu Qianqian looked proud when she said this.

Yu Qianjue smiled grimly. He raised his hand and grabbed Huangfu Qianqian's right arm. On that arm was a fake plum blossom birthmark.

Huangfu Qianqian was caught by Yu Qianjue, and she was overjoyed. This was the first time she and Yu Qianjue had physical contact.

But seeing Yu Qianjue's cold-blooded eyes, she couldn't laugh again.

What does His Highness want to do?
How could he grab her arm suddenly?
Before Huangfu Qianqian could figure it out, suddenly——

"Bang" sound!

"Ah!!! My hand!!!"

Huangfu Qianqian's right arm was mercilessly torn off by Yu Qianjue!

With simple and rough actions and blood splattered at the scene, Yu Qianjue chose to use the most cruel means to remove Huangfu Qianqian's birthmark.

From this moment on, Huangfu Qianqian lost her plum blossom birthmark and became a cripple, so naturally she couldn't be the concubine of Jue.

"No...my hand...give me back my hand..."

Huangfu Qianqian felt extremely dissatisfied that her arm was crippled, she turned towards Yu Qianjue, wanting to snatch her arm back.

Yu Qianjue directly threw his arm away, and then used three thousand fires, a flash of "咻" flames drifted past, and his arm was burned to ashes on the spot.

This series of movements was so fast that neither Huangfu Qianqian nor Shangguan could react.

And when they reacted, everything was over.

"Ah!!! My hand!!!"

At this moment, Huangfu Qianqian lost the thing she was most proud of. Without her arm, she would not have a plum blossom birthmark, and without a plum blossom birthmark, she would not be able to be a concubine.


Huangfu Qianqian couldn't accept this kind of result, after some stimulation, coupled with excessive blood loss, she directly fainted to the ground, unconscious.

Lord Shangguan was extremely shocked. He never expected that His Royal Highness' methods would be so cold-blooded and cruel.

That is the fiancée who was divined by the Master of the State Teacher, and she actually said that she would be abandoned as soon as she said it, without any sign.

However, this is also the quality that the heirs of the royal family need most!

His Royal Highness is indeed the eldest grandson of Emperor Longteng!

(End of this chapter)

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