Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 337 Plum Blossom Birthmark, Now

Chapter 337 Plum Blossom Birthmark, Now
"You're not blind."

A helpless voice came from the Qiankun space, it was Old Kun!
"Mr. Kun, is what you said true? Am I really not blind? What's going on around here?"

Ye Qingge is slightly delighted, as long as she is not blind!
Elder Kun didn't answer, it wasn't that he didn't want to talk, but that the dark aura was too strong, even in the universe space, he still felt infinite fear.

"Mr. Kun? Mr. Kun? Why are you silent?"

Ye Qingge asked twice in a row, but Elder Kun still had no voice, so Ye Qingge had no choice but to give up.

At this time, a gust of cool wind hit, Ye Qingge's body became cold, and he hugged his arms tightly!

Then, she suddenly realized that she had no clothes on, not even a bellyband!
I go!

what is happening?
Just when Ye Qingge was extremely confused, a strange feeling came from the butterfly bone on her back. It was a feeling that couldn't be expressed in words, couldn't be explained clearly, and couldn't be explained clearly.

Through this practice, Ye Qingge felt that her body had changed, but she didn't know exactly what changed.

She touched the back with her backhand, and she happened to touch the butterfly bone on the right side.

At this time, the strange feeling disappeared, and the surrounding darkness began to dissipate.

The sky cleared up a little bit, the lake was as calm as ever, and the grass on the ground was soft and not thorny at all.

The sun shone on Ye Qingge, covering her with a layer of sacred and soft gauze. Ye Qingge, who saw the light again, only felt that the world was extremely beautiful!

Of course, along with that, there was a little bit of embarrassment!
It's too much to be naked or something!

I quickly glanced around, but fortunately, there was no one!

Ye Qingge quickly took out a set of clothes from the storage ring, which was a change of clothes she carried with her, just to prevent emergencies.

Fortunately, she had been prepared, otherwise she would have to return to the city wrapped in leaves, and it would definitely be even more embarrassing by then.

Ye Qingge dressed quickly. Because she couldn't see behind her, she didn't notice that there was a beautiful plum blossom on the butterfly bone on the right side of her originally smooth and jade-like back.

This plum blossom is very strange, as big as a baby's fist, with nine petals in total, one of which is red and the other eight are black.

The combination of red and black is obviously very conflicting, but on Ye Qingge's alluring butterfly bones, there is an indescribable harmony and beauty, as if the sacred and black collide.

Perhaps, this is the rumored plum blossom birthmark...

Unfortunately, there was no one else around, and Ye Qingge couldn't see it himself, so no one knew the secret.

Soon, Ye Qingge got dressed and washed her face by the lake.

Counting the time, she seems to have practiced for seven or eight days, and she hasn't gone back for such a long time. I don't know if Grandpa and the others will be worried.

And Yu Qianjue, he should have left Qingyun Country with Huangfu Qianqian, right?
Well, it's better to leave, so as not to be upset!

From now on, Ye Qingge decides to let go of Yu Qianjue and this relationship that does not belong to her. Sooner or later, she will meet her true son.

Thinking about it, Ye Qingge's mood gradually improved.

Although still depressed, at least it is not as desperate as it was at first.

Unfortunately, this state did not last long, because on the way back to the city, she accidentally met a group of people.

A group of people from the Dragon Empire!
"Ye Qingge, long time no see, I have been looking for you for so long, so you are hiding here!"

Shangguanyi looked at Ye Qingge coldly, as if looking at prey, his eyes full of killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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