Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 340 Wu Ze Appears

Chapter 340 Wu Ze Appears
Hearing this, Yu Qianjue flashed in front of the hidden guard in an instant, and asked anxiously, "Where is the man?"

"It's just three miles away by the lake, but that's—"

Before the dark guard could finish his words, Yu Qianjue set off directly and rushed towards the lake.

When Lin saw this, he shook his head helplessly, but he was confused when he was concerned. His Highness is really not calm at all when it comes to matters related to Ye Qingge.

"Master Rin, by the lake is Master Wu Ze, I... I haven't finished my words just now..."

The dark guard looked at Rin weakly, with a worried expression on his face.

Rin was also drunk, "You didn't say it earlier! You made the master happy for nothing, and you will have a better time in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Rin quickly chased after Yu Qianjue.

At this time, Yu Qianjue was about to reach the lake, and he was extremely excited.

After searching for so long, finally there is news about Xiao Ge'er. He wants to apologize to Xiao Ge'er and ask for her forgiveness.

To truly love someone is not to push her further away, but to protect her with all your strength.

As long as Xiao Ge'er can forgive him, he is willing to pay any price!

However, just when Yu Qianjue was so excited, thinking that he could finally see Ye Qingge, he never expected——

It was not Ye Qingge who was waiting for him by the lake, but Wu Ze.

"why you?"

Yu Qianjue's voice was slightly cold, obviously, because he was not his sweetheart, he was very upset.

Wu Ze was very casual, he held a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, put his hands behind his head, and said very chicly,

"Brother Yu, you don't seem very happy to see this handsome guy?"

Today's Wu Ze is still dressed in a beggar's attire, with torn clothes and trousers, only a face, and he is still clean and handsome.

Yu Qianjue frowned and didn't speak.

Wu Ze stopped joking, he walked up to Yu Qianjue with a smile, and said loudly, "Okay, I'm here to help you. I've been hiding from you for so long, it's time to give you an answer."

These days, apart from Ye Qingge, the hidden guards are still looking for Wu Ze.

Wu Ze is an onmyoji who can divination the future. Through him, he might be able to find Ye Qingge, which can be regarded as a clue.

"Tell me, where is Xiao Geer?"

Yu Qianjue didn't talk nonsense, straight to the point, and directly asked Wu Ze about his business.

Wu Ze was not in a hurry to answer, he first patted Yu Qianjue on the shoulder, and then tried to persuade him,

"Brother Yu, although you and Ye Qingge are a good match, Ye Qingge's fate is too hard. I'm afraid that you will have a bloody disaster in the future. Why don't you take this opportunity and let go directly, maybe you can escape."

"Answer the king's question!"

No matter what fate Yu Qianjue has, he likes Ye Qingge, and for Ye Qingge, he will work hard to become stronger, so strong that no one dares to question it anymore!
If the sky wants to stop them, then he doesn't mind, just go against the sky!

Seeing Yu Qianjue's posture, Wu Ze knew that no matter what he said, it was useless.

"Okay, come with me, I'll take you to find her."

After Wu Ze finished speaking, he flew directly to the grove. According to the fortune-telling just now, Ye Qingge should be at the most critical moment now.

Whether it can catch up can only depend on good luck.


Let's talk about Ye Qingge.

Shangguanyi's arrow just now was originally aimed at Ye Qingge's heart, but at the critical moment, a powerful dark aura suddenly emerged from Ye Qingge's back!

When the sharp arrow was one centimeter closer to the heart, the black air directly wrapped it, swallowed it, and disappeared without leaving a trace!
Seeing the black energy, all the masters felt trembling in their hearts. Ye Qingge is obviously only a second-level spirit man, why is there such a powerful force?
What is that black air?
(End of this chapter)

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