Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 344 What Do You Do To Forgive You?

Chapter 344 What Do You Do To Forgive You?
Yu Qianjue looked at Ye Qingge fixedly, and explained seriously.

Ye Qingge sneered, poured out all the unwillingness and anger that had been suppressed recently, and shouted at Yu Qianjue,
"Since you don't want to marry Huangfu Qianqian, why did you smile at her at the palace banquet? Why did you indirectly admit her identity? Why were you so indifferent to me?

'This king is not familiar with Ye Qingge', you said this sentence, right?

At that time, it was fine for Huangfu Qianqian and the others to bully me, but you also bullied me. When they sent me to jail, didn't you agree?

That's going to jail, go to prison!

Do you know what the sky prison is?

I am the sixth young lady of the Ye family, I am innocent, because you said a word at the palace banquet, I will be put in prison, I can afford to lose this face, but the Ye family can't afford to lose it! "

"Little Ge'er, I know, I know all of this.

I never thought of sending you to the prison, it was just a tactic to delay the attack, even if I agreed, you would never go in. "

At that time, Yu Qianjue was just trying to deal with Shangguanyi and not let Shangguanyi suspect him. After the palace banquet was over, he would definitely make connections in private to absolve Ye Qingge of the crime.

However, explaining these now is pale.

Xiao Ge'er wouldn't believe it, no matter what he said now, in Xiao Ge'er's heart, besides anger, she was still angry.

"Xiao Ge'er, you beat me up first to calm down, and I'll explain after you've beaten me enough, is that okay?"

Yu Qianjue took out a dagger and handed it to Ye Qingge.

Ye Qingge was startled, and then said in a steady voice, "I don't want to hit you now, I just want to kill you!"


Yu Qianjue didn't hesitate, his eyes were frank.

Ye Qingge took the dagger, pulled out the blade, and held it tightly in his hand, as if he would strike at any moment.

Not far away, Wu Ze really couldn't stand it anymore, these two people are simply a model of love and killing each other, playing so big at every turn, it's terrible!

"Miss Ye, please calm down, brother Yu actually has some difficulties!"

Wu Ze appeared and explained helplessly.

Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows. She remembered that this person was the onmyoji who appeared in surprise before the fork in the road. "It's you? Why are you here?"

"You disappeared for a long time, Brother Yu was worried that something happened to you, so he asked me to find you.

Fortunately, he came just in time, otherwise you would definitely be dead now, and you should thank him. "

Wu Ze tried to reason with Ye Qingge.

But Ye Qingge retorted: "Thank you to him? If it wasn't for him? People from the Dragon Empire would trouble me?
And from the very beginning, they said that they came to kill me under the order of King Jue.

I hate him for being too late, why be grateful? "

"I didn't, I never ordered you to be killed!"

Yu Qianjue was really wronged in this matter, fortunately he arrived at the end, otherwise he would not be able to explain why he jumped into the Yellow River.

Ye Qingge actually understood that Shangguanyi was not sent by Yu Qianjue, but she was still angry.

I am a little sad, but I can't forgive you with a few words of explanation and apology.

She just opened her heart to Yu Qianjue, but Yu Qianjue treats her like that, how can she let go?

"Wu Ze, step back, don't interfere in this matter."

Yu Qianjue only hoped to be forgiven by Ye Qingge, even if Ye Qingge really stabbed him, he would admit it.

Wu Ze vomited blood on his face, is this still the Yu Qianjue he knew?
That domineering, powerful, noble king who cannot be questioned by anyone, actually let go of all his airs in front of a woman today, just to get a forgiveness?
It's really... I'm getting more and more confused!

"Go ahead, I'm ready."

Yu Qianjue closed his eyes and let Ye Qingge attack.

 The sixth watch is over, good night, tell me, do you want Xiao Geer to stab me?If you want to stab, please vote for recommendation ~ haha, just kidding.

  Recently, Qibao has received a lot of referral votes. I'm really happy. It's the last day of this week. Don't be stingy with your referral votes. Come here and stimulate Qibao again!

  Tomorrow is still six more!


(End of this chapter)

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