Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 347 For her, desperate!

Chapter 347 For her, desperate!
Yu Qianjue had a calm face and a calm voice.

From the very beginning, he was not afraid of these killers. Although the lineup is very strong this time, he still has confidence!

The reason for "escaping" just now was entirely to avoid Ye Qingge and not want Ye Qingge to get involved.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was still involved.

In order to solve it quickly, Yu Qianjue directly resorted to his trick of the trump card!

Purgatory fire!


This is a more domineering power than the Three Thousand Flowing Fires. Once the sea of ​​flames comes out, everything around seems to be in the ultimate purgatory!

The white mist evaporated in an instant. Except for the black-clothed leader, the masked killers fell into the sea of ​​flames one after another, burnt to pieces.

"What a sea of ​​flames in purgatory, it turns out that this is the real strength of King Jue, it is really hidden deep enough!"

Purgatory Sea of ​​Fire is a spiritual skill that belongs to the taboo of fire-type spiritual skills. Few people practice it because it is too difficult to control.

Even if some masters have mastered it, they will be backlashed by it in the end. Over time, this spiritual skill has become a forbidden technique, and it is forbidden for fire-type practitioners to learn it.

However, what the leader in black didn't expect was that this skill, which had disappeared for many years, was actually mastered by Yu Qianjue!

This number one genius of the Dragon Empire is more powerful than he imagined. If he ascends to the throne in the future, he will definitely pose a threat to his master.

No, it can't just leave it alone!

The black-clothed leader's eyes sharpened sharply, resisting the torment of the sea of ​​flames in purgatory, he tried his best to attack Ye Qingge!


Wu Ze shouted that he was some distance away from Ye Qingge, and wanted to save someone, but it was too late.

Ye Qingge froze in place, and she wanted to avoid it, but the opponent was too strong, her body was directly locked by the black-clothed leader's murderous aura, and she couldn't move at all!


There was a loud bang.

Ye Qingge closed her eyes subconsciously, she thought she must be dead, but after a few seconds, she found that her body didn't hurt at all.

What's happening here?
Opening his eyes, Ye Qingge looked in front of him.

There, at some point, Yu Qianjue resolutely appeared in front of her, and forcibly took the black-clothed leader's palm for her.

And the leader in black, when he hit Yu Qianjue, was engulfed by the flames of purgatory and died completely.

"Qian Jue!"

Ye Qingge shouted, and stepped sideways to Yu Qianjue's side, supporting Yu Qianjue's body.

Yu Qianjue's face was pale, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. Seeing that Ye Qingge was safe and sound, his eyes showed a little relief.

"You'll be fine..."

At that moment just now, all of Yu Qianjue's actions came from instinct.

For Ye Qingge, he could really give up his life. It turns out that to love someone, you can really be desperate...

Yu Qianjue closed his eyes with peace of mind, the flames of purgatory disappeared in an instant, and there was nothing else around except the charred corpses and weeds.

"Hey! Yu Qianjue, don't die, don't die, okay?"

At this moment, all the complaints, all the sadness, all the unwillingness, all disappeared.

Ye Qingge has only one thought, as long as Yu Qianjue is safe and sound, she can forgive anything!

What fiancée, what intentional indifference, she doesn't care anymore!

As long as Yu Qianjue is doing well, she is willing to pay any price!

"Yu Qianjue, hold on, I will definitely save you..."

Ye Qingge was anxious and afraid, she hurriedly took out a bottle of Lingquan water from Qiankun Dimension, Yu Qianjue was seriously injured last time, after taking Lingquan water, she returned to normal.

This time, she hoped it would work.

However, after Ye Qingge gave Yu Qianjue the Lingquan water, it had no effect at all.

This time, Yu Qianjue hurt his heart, and the black-clothed leader's palm directly shattered Yu Qianjue's heart. Even if the Da Luo Immortal came, it might not be able to save Yu Qianjue.

(End of this chapter)

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