Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 349 Bringing Good News

Chapter 349 Bringing Good News

Mr. Ye didn't answer, he was afraid that the more he talked, the more sad his granddaughter would be.

Ye Mengqi stood next to Mr. Ye, seeing Ye Qingge's heartbroken expression, he felt a little joy in his heart.

The lucky ones of fate will also have this day. It seems that God is still fair. He gave Ye Qingge beauty and talent, but took away her love, very good!

Ye Mengqi has always been jealous of Ye Qingge, but today she finally saw Ye Qingge suffer a loss, and felt a kind of joy of Feng Shui turning around.

Of course, Ye Mengqi didn't want Ye Qingge to fall, after all, Ye Qingge was the pillar of the Ye family, if Ye Qingge fell, she herself would not end well.

So on the surface, Ye Mengqi still comforted: "Sister Qingge, don't be too sad, there must be a way."

"Yes, there must be a way! There must be a way!"

Ye Qingge is a bit obsessed now, his mind is full of the shadow of Yu Qianjue, and he only wants to save Yu Qianjue.

Seeing this, Mr. Ye became even more worried. He ordered Yu Qianjue to settle down first, and then asked the kitchen to prepare some supplements.

Looking at her granddaughter like this, she seems to be injured too, and she must make up for it.


After half an hour.

Ye Qingge sat in her room, her eyes fixed on Yu Qianjue. At this moment, Yu Qianjue closed her eyes quietly, as if she was asleep.

His eyelashes are very long and thick, and the more he looks at him, the better he looks. The whole figure seems to have stepped out of a painting.

It has been a long time for Ye Qingge to look at Yu Qianjue carefully, she couldn't help but caress his face and touch it gently.

Since the last time they quarreled, the two hadn't communicated normally, and then there was a lot of misunderstandings, being misunderstood, hurting, hurting.

Sometimes, Ye Qingge is really tired and wants to end this relationship.

But liking is liking, just can't restrain it.

She secretly swore that as long as Yu Qianjue can survive this test, she doesn't care about the past, and starts over with Yu Qianjue.

"Qianjue, you will be fine!"

What Ye Qingge said was speaking to Yu Qianjue, but also seemed to be speaking to herself.

Wu Ze stood at the door, because the atmosphere was very serious, so he found a topic, "Do you still want to know why Brother Yu treated you like that at the palace banquet that day?"

"Yes, but I prefer to wait for him to wake up and explain to me personally."


Wu Ze shrugged and stopped talking.

The air, quiet again.

But not long after, an excited and familiar loud voice came from outside the house, "Sister Qingge, I'm back!!!"

When Wu Ze heard this voice, his calm face suddenly collapsed!

is her!

"Miss Ye, I'm leaving first, don't tell that crazy girl that I've been here!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Ze dodged directly, running away faster than a rabbit.

Ye Qingge only had Yu Qianjue in his heart, and he was not in the mood to care about these messy things. Fortunately, after Nangong Ling appeared, he did not ask Wu Ze, but rushed directly to Ye Qingge, hugged Ye Qingge with a smile,

"Sister Qingge, I finally see you! These days, I miss you so much!"

"Don't worry, I'm in a bad mood right now."

With a sullen face, Ye Qingge pushed Nangong Ling away.

On the way here, Nangong Ling heard about Yu Qianjue, and she only had two words for it - she deserved it!
The last time I bullied Sister Qingge, I finally got my retribution!

Of course, Nangong Ling was only a little happy. After seeing Ye Qingge's sad face, she still hoped that Yu Qianjue would be fine.

Soon, after Nangong Ling, Ye Han also came.

Not only that, Ye Han also brought good news, "Miss Six, according to the latest news from the Ye family, Young Master Yu is saved!

(End of this chapter)

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