Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 361 Yujue vs Gong Wuchen 2

Chapter 361 Yu Qianjue vs Gong Wuchen 2
Hearing that Yu Qianjue was about to lose, Ye Qingge became nervous, and her mood was more tangled.

With Yu Qianjue's domineering temperament, if he loses to Gong Wuchen in front of her, he will definitely be hit hard, and may still be devastated.

This duel should never have started.

Ye Qingge turned her head, unable to bear to watch the ending.

Seeing this, Gong Wuchen smiled, he was very happy to defeat Yu Qianjue in front of Ye Qingge.

Although it took more than half of his spiritual power to use "Phantom Water Shocking Clouds", as long as he can defeat Yu Qianjue, that's enough!
Unfortunately, Gong Wuchen was too happy too early.

Just when he finished extinguishing all the fires and one could win a big victory, a small flame surrounded his neck.

In the circle of fire, there is also a dark dart hidden, as long as Gong Wuchen moves a little, the dark dart will be fired, directly taking Gong Wuchen's life!

"Young Master Gong, you lost."

Yu Qianjue's voice was melodious, and he was in a very happy mood.

Gong Wuchen's face darkened, it's impossible, what's going on?

He had already extinguished all the flames, why did there still remain, and it even flew to his neck, so he didn't notice it at all!

How strong is Yu Qianjue?

At this moment, Nangong Ling was as dazed as Gong Wuchen, she could see clearly that there was nothing around Gong Wuchen, and her defense was perfect!
But in the blink of an eye, there was a ring of fire and a dark dart!
"Wow! His Royal Highness, how did you do it? It's amazing!" Nangong Ling asked curiously with wide-eyed eyes.

Yu Qianjue only gave two words, "Secret."

How could he casually say something like the trump card in battle? The last time he used "Purgatory Sea of ​​Fire", he had already exposed one of his trump cards.

This time, he will not reveal anything.

"As expected of being the number one genius in the Soaring Dragon, this young master admits defeat."

Gong Wuchen was convinced, in terms of strength, he was indeed not as good as Yu Qianjue, and he would not be ashamed to lose.


Yu Qianjue smiled faintly, withdrew his attack, then looked at Ye Qingge, and said in a tone of asking for credit,
"How is it? Your man is amazing, isn't he?"

Your man... When Ye Qingge heard these four words, his face suddenly became red. In the public, can you stop doing this?
Nangong Ling didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and joked with a smile, "Sister Qingge, has the development of you and Yu Qianjue reached the point where it is not suitable for children? Hehe."



Yu Qianjue and Ye Qingge answered at the same time, one affirmative and the other negative.

Nangong Ling smiled even more. She blinked, patted Ye Qingge's shoulder and said, "Sister Qingge, don't be shy. In our spiritual domain, these are nothing."

"I really don't!"

Ye Qingge was drunk, she regretted leaving Nangong Ling very much, why did this girl say such nonsense, she was wronged!

Yu Qianjue was very happy, he directly took out a note and handed it to Nangong Lingdao, "This is the place Wu Ze often goes to, I wish you good luck!"


Your Royal Highness, I did not misread you, you are really interesting, hahaha—"

Nangong Ling looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, took the note and ran out the door.

Ye Qingge was even more helpless, come on, it's so wrong to talk too much, she'd better shut up.

At this time, Gong Wuchen was very depressed, but he had nothing to do with Yu Qianjue, he could only give Yu Qianjue a hard look, and said very sourly,

"The one who laughs last is the winner."

(End of this chapter)

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