Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 363 Punishment!

Chapter 363 Punishment!

"My lord, I don't know anything, so please forgive me, I really don't know anything..."

A miserable pleading sound came from not far away.

Ye Qingge frowned slightly, feeling that the voice was very familiar. After walking in, she realized that the person begging for mercy was none other than the eunuch who was in the imperial concubine's bedroom that day to make her feel sad.

How is he?

"His Royal Highness, he is an important witness. On the day Miss Mu disappeared, someone saw him go to Mu's house."

The secret guard in charge of guarding reported to Yu Qianjue in a fixed voice.

Yu Qianjue nodded slightly, then glanced at the eunuch, his sharp and cold eyes carried a breathtaking coercion.

The eunuch didn't dare to look directly at Yu Qianjue, he lowered his head and began to pretend to be deaf and dumb, saying nothing.

"Qianjue, what's going on?"

Ye Qingge didn't quite understand, but she vaguely guessed that Miss Mu's disappearance involved the eunuchs in Concubine Ye Gui's palace.

In this way, the identity of Huangfu Qianqian's fiancée, and even that birthmark... Thinking of this, Ye Qingge suddenly stopped!

She looked at Yu Qianjue with doubts in her eyes.

Yu Qianjue gave her a reassuring smile and said, "You will know the answer soon."

After finishing speaking, Yu Qianjue flipped off his robe, and sat gracefully on the chair. With his aura of king, he would be handsome and unrestrained when he sat down casually.

However, it was such a perfect man, but what he said made that eunuch fall into hell.

"Punishment!" Yu Qianjue said coldly.

"Bang bang——"

At this time, the eunuch, already bruised and bruised, was captured by two hidden guards and put on a torture tool again.

The entire body of the torture tool was covered with extremely thin barbs. As soon as the eunuch's body approached, he was hooked by the barbs and let out a cry of "woo woo".

"His Royal Highness, please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

Yu Qianjue kept a cold face and remained unmoved. He has never been a benevolent person, and the barb was just the beginning.

If the eunuch has not been recruited, he has even more cruel methods.

After all, in the Dragon Empire, he has the nickname of "Cold-Blooded Hades", except that he will behave a little gentler in front of Ye Qingge.

For the rest of the time, Yu Qianjue was always domineering, cold, and even a little cruel.

"Ah! Your Highness, please spare me! I really don't know anything!" The eunuch is Concubine Ye Gui's confidant, his mouth is very tight, and ordinary punishment can't make him speak at all.

Yu Qianjue was very patient, his eyes were deep, and his fingertips occasionally tapped on the armrest.

After a long time, he decisively ordered,


Soon, the second type of punishment came up.

This time it was a black box, about the size of three basketballs, with a small opening through which you could put your hand in.

As for what was inside the black box, no one knew except Yu Qianjue.

When the eunuch saw the black box, his entire face turned pale. People's fear of the unknown far outweighs the known.

Especially in the black box, there were one or two strange calls from time to time, which made him even more frightened.

What kind of monster is there?

Before the eunuch's fear was over, the hidden guard grabbed his hand and prepared to forcefully put it into the black box.

"No! No!"

The eunuch kept struggling, begging for mercy while hiding,

"I said! Say everything! Please let me go!!!"

This time, the eunuch was really scared. His psychological defense had been defeated after various punishments.

The black box is just the straw that breaks the camel's back.

(End of this chapter)

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