Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 365 Mention Marriage Jade Pendant Again

Chapter 365 Mention Marriage Jade Pendant Again
"For example, this jade pendant is a relic left to me by my mother. She once said that my destined person can make this jade pendant red.

And you are my destined person, and I have always believed in this point. "

Yu Qianjue stopped, and at the end of the corridor in the courtyard, he took off the jade pendant from his waist and handed it to Singer Ye Qing.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Qingge touched the jade pendant, the jade pendant began to glow red and hot, like a dazzling flame.

"Is this the one I met in Longyang Tower last time?" Ye Qingge looked curious.

Yu Qianjue nodded.

Ye Qingge carefully held the marriage jade pendant, a smile slowly curled up on the corners of her lips, it turned out that she and Yu Qianjue also had a predestined fate!

After the joke was over, Ye Qingge was unhappy again.

"You like me because of this jade pendant?"

"Of course not, jade pendant is just the beginning, I like you because of you.

Xiao Geer, you must grow up quickly, we will get married after you grow up. "

Yu Qianjue looked at Ye Qingge seriously, his voice sounded like an oath.

When Ye Qingge heard the word "marriage", a burst of joy burst into her heart. Can she and Yu Qianjue really get married?
When she thought that in more than a year, she would marry this man, she suddenly felt a little unreal.

"No, no, 15 years old is too early. I will be [-] in two months, and I will be [-] next year. In this way, I only have one year of free time.

No, I don't want to marry so early. "

Ye Qingge shook her head, she still has many dreams, to become the number one pharmacist, to find her father and mother, to travel all over Hongmeng Continent.

As Elder Kun said, her journey is the ocean of stars!
If you are married, you definitely have no chance.

Even if Yu Qianjue dotes on her, maybe he won't restrain her, but after getting married, what if it changes?
"No, I really can't marry you." Ye Qingge emphasized again.

Yu Qianjue was not in a hurry either, he smiled wickedly, blew warm air into Ye Qingge's ear, and then said,
"It's fine if you don't marry. This king will eat you up and make you pregnant with our child. When the time comes, if you don't marry, you have to marry!"

"you dare--"

"Are you sure I dare not?"

Yu Qianjue raised his eyebrows.

Ye Qingge was scared, of course she wasn't sure, this guy could do anything after his beastly behavior.

In order to prevent the topic from going off track, Ye Qingge straightened his tone and said very formally, "Don't talk about this, I will return the jade pendant to you."

"No need, I'll give it to you."

"This is your mother's relic, it's too valuable, I can't accept it."

"This was originally my mother's, and I left it to her future daughter-in-law. I just kept it on my behalf. Now that the person has been found, of course it will be handed over to you."

Yu Qianjue smiled, then directly picked up the jade pendant and hung it on Ye Qingge's waist.

At this time, the jade pendant has returned to its normal jade color, with fine patterns and transparent fineness, it is a piece of priceless jade at first glance!

"Okay, let's go home."

Yu Qianjue took Ye Qingge's hand again.

Ye Qingge nodded, smiling like a flower, following Yu Qianjue, she always felt an indescribable sense of happiness.

If it can stay like this, it seems to be pretty good.

However, before the joy was over, Ye Qingge heard the dark guard report.

"Your Highness, Lord Shangguan heard that you and Miss Ye are here, and has been arguing to see you all the time. If he doesn't see you, he will bite his tongue and kill himself..."

(End of this chapter)

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