Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 375

Chapter 375

Ye Han resigned.

Soon, Gong Wuchen came to the small hall.

Looking at the spotless white clothes, Ye Qingge couldn't help sighing, every time he saw Gong Wuchen, he was so clean, fresh and sunny.

Sometimes, it's so good that it's a little unreal.

"Miss Ye, we meet again."

Gong Wuchen smiled slightly, took the initiative to say hello, and then directly ignored Yu Qianjue, as if Yu Qianjue didn't exist.

Ye Qingge nodded lightly, and said with a smile, "Young Master Gong, what is the purpose of visiting today?"

"I just came to talk to you."

"It's that simple?" Ye Qingge blinked.

"By the way, say goodbye." Gong Wuchen smiled helplessly.

Ye Qingge was a little surprised, "Are you leaving?"

"Well, my illness is cured, and it's time to go back. I'm really grateful for the recent time!"

Gong Wuchen sincerely thanked Ye Qingge for saving his life, so he respected Ye Qingge at all times.

Ye Qingge is quite regretful, she quite likes Gong Wuchen as a friend, Hongmeng Continent is so big, this time we parted, and I don't know when we can meet again.

It's a pity that there is always a banquet in the world, and she can't force anything.

"Take care of yourself and have a good trip."


Gong Wuchen nodded, he looked into Ye Qingge's eyes, for a moment, he really wanted to say, let Ye Qingge go to Fengwu Empire with him.

But he knew that he was not Yu Qianjue, and he didn't have that qualification requirement.

In desperation, he could only hold back those words, then took out a finely crafted sachet, and solemnly presented it,

"The carnations you gave me last time have withered. I made two sachets of those flowers, one for you and one for myself.

Take this sachet as my farewell gift. "

"It's beautiful, thank you."

Ye Qingge didn't think much about it, she liked the pattern of the sachet very much, so she was ready to accept it.

But at this moment, Yu Qianjue said jealously,

"Can't accept it!"

Two sachets, one for each person, the implication is too obvious, is it just a display when he is Yu Qianjue?
"His Royal Highness, it's just a sachet, why are you so stingy?"

Gong Wuchen spoke lightly, with a hint of provocation in his tone.

Yu Qianjue became even angrier, raised his brows, and responded forcefully,
"Ye Qingge is my king's woman, and I can only accept gifts from me alone!"

"His Royal Highness is so domineering, isn't he afraid of backfire? Miss Ye is a person with feelings, not a servant at your beck and call."

"Don't sow discord!"

Yu Qianjue found that Gong Wuchen's courage was getting bigger and bigger, and he dared to say such a thing.

Gong Wuchen was not afraid of Yu Qianjue's threat, just when he was thinking about how to refute his next sentence, Ye Qingge came out and scolded,
"You stop arguing."

Ye Qingge was really speechless. When these two met, they either fought or quarreled. Can they communicate happily?
Sure enough, Gong Wuchen and Yu Qianjue shut up after hearing Ye Qingge's words.

After that, Ye Qingge looked at Gong Wuchen, and said again,

"Young Master Gong, I'm sorry, but I can't take this gift."

Although Ye Qingge liked the sachet, upon closer inspection, this gift contained other meanings. If she really accepted it, Yu Qianjue would definitely be angry.

For the sake of their relationship, she had to refuse.

"It's ok."

After being rejected, Gong Wuchen still kept a polite smile, but felt very bitter in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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