Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 381 Hunter Alliance, Liang Wei

Chapter 381 Hunter Alliance, Liang Wei

"Girl, just take a detour."

Mr. Kun has always hated trouble, and he also had the same attitude when he met the man in white who gave the "Book of Alchemy" last time.

Ye Qingge thought about it and thought it was right.

However, just as she was about to change paths, the sounds of fierce fighting suddenly came in her direction.

not good!

That's too late!

Ye Qingge frowned and immediately entered a defensive state.

Sure enough, in less than 2 minutes, a group of black-clothed killers appeared in front of Ye Qingge after chasing a purple-clothed girl.

The girl in purple is very strange. Not only her clothes are purple, but her hair and eyes are also purple. This kind of situation is very rare in the Qingyun country with black hair!

Because of the purple gauze on his face, Ye Qingge couldn't see what the other party looked like.

Her intuition told her that it was best not to get involved in this kind of thing.

But she didn't want to get involved, but those killers insisted on her "mingling"!
"So there are companions, let's kill together!"

When those killers saw Ye Qingge, they thought that Ye Qingge was the girl in purple's companion, and when they tore them apart, they didn't care about 21 and [-], so they attacked Ye Qingge!
Ye Qingge is really drunk!

She is obviously just a passer-by, so why did she become the girl in purple's companion!

Are these killers brainless?

Ye Qingge wanted to explain, but those killers couldn't help but start attacking directly!
Immediately, a sharp sword, mixed with sharp murderous aura, struck Ye Qingge's chest!


Ye Qingge's expression changed slightly, and he stepped back quickly.

Although she doesn't want to cause trouble, she is not afraid of trouble!

These people insist on making trouble for her, so she doesn't mind accompanying them to the end!

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Ye Qingge directly took out a sword from the storage ring, and fought with the opponent!

"Bang bang—"

Ye Qingge's strength is not low, and he has received professional training from Yu Qianjue, and has experienced several waves of assassinations, so he is very experienced in dealing with this kind of killer.

In less than a moment, she had dealt with two or three killers.

Seeing this, the killers became more hostile towards Ye Qingge.

"Kill her! Quick battle!"


A few more killers were added to attack Ye Qingge specifically.

Seeing this, the woman in purple frowned slightly, and said to the killers in black,

"I don't know this person. Your goal is me. Don't hurt the innocent."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the cold-blooded Liangwei of the Hunter Alliance would be a kind-hearted master!
It's a pity that you yourself are like a Bodhisattva crossing the river, and you can't protect yourself! "

The black-clothed killer's voice was full of sarcasm.

After Ye Qingge heard the words "Hunter Alliance", his expression showed a touch of surprise.

For this organization, she has only heard about it, and has never seen it with her own eyes. She never thought that this girl in purple is actually a member of the Hunter Alliance!

Now it's fun!
Ye Qingge sized up the purple-clothed girl again, and then thought of her divine cauldron, which was stolen from a certain ancient tomb by the Hunter Alliance.

Speaking of which, she has a little relationship with the Hunter Alliance.

In this case, she needs to help even more!
"Swipe brush-"

Ye Qingge took out her newly developed "Wan Du Powder" and sprinkled it around.

This poison is very strong, if you smell it even a little bit, it can enter the lungs and cause you to die tragically immediately!

These killers were not good at dealing with poison, and within a short while, another five or six killers fell.

Seeing this, the leader of the black-clothed killer felt depressed. They finally found an opportunity to sneak attack while "Cold-Blooded Liangwei" was seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, she was actually disturbed by a master poisoner!

"go to hell!"

The leader in black yelled, and suddenly attacked Ye Qingge!

(End of this chapter)

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