Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 385 Ye Mengqi's Revenge

Chapter 385 Ye Mengqi's Revenge
At this moment, Ye Han seemed to see the turning point of fate.

Nangong Ling is not interested in Fengyun College, but seeing that Ye Qingge and Ye Han are going, she can't be idle.

"Sister Qingge, you are biased, I want to go too, can you give me one too?"

"I only have two application letters. If you really want to go, I will ask grandpa to prepare another one."

After getting along for a long time, Ye Qingge thinks that Nangong Ling is not bad. If she also goes to Fengyun College, life will definitely not be boring.

"Okay! I can go to Fengyun Academy too!

I heard that Fengyun Academy's enrollment selection is very strict, haha, I'm going to start practicing hard too! "

Nangong Ling is usually idle, but once she decides on something, she will be extra positive.

Seeing that his friends also decided to cultivate hard, Ye Qingge looked forward to Fengyun Academy more and more.

She hooked her lips into a smile, turned around and went back to her room, and continued to improve her strength!

Ye family.

Ye Qingge's side was harmonious, but Ye Mengqi's side was full of intrigue.

Ever since Ye Mengru became blind and was placed under house arrest in the backyard of the second bedroom, she has never stopped resting.

And Ye Mengqi never stopped torturing Ye Mengru!

In a remote and dark room, Ye Mengru curled up in a corner, while Ye Mengqi looked at the people in the corner proudly.

"Bitch, can't you imagine that you have today too?

When you and your mother bullied me and trampled on me, did you never think that Ye Mengqi, mere mere me, would turn over?
Hehe, where should I stick today?

Just prick the soles of your feet, it must be very painful if you can't get out of bed for three days and three nights. "

"Sister Meng Qi, please let me go, I was wrong at the beginning, I shouldn't bully you, woo... I was really wrong..."

Ye Mengru was punished by Ye Mengqi for more than a month, and she was close to collapse.

She never expected that this second sister, who used to be a low-key girl, was actually more terrifying than Ye Qingge, and her means of revenge were more vicious.

Many times, she wished she could die, but Ye Mengqi always had a way to make her unable to survive or die.

"Sister Mengqi, it was my mother who killed your mother back then, those things have nothing to do with me, can you let me go?
After a while, Fengyun College will come to Qingyun Country to enroll students, and Brother Yiheng will also come back.

I promise, after he comes back, I will never sue in front of him.

Not only that, but I will let brother Yiheng deal with Ye Qingge, so that you can become the most beautiful woman in the Ye family and be favored by grandpa.

Our common enemy is Ye Qingge, can you let me go? "

Ye Mengru's voice was full of temptation. This was a plan she had been thinking about for more than a month.

Ye Mengqi sneered directly at this.

"Do you want to use me as a target, as if I, Ye Mengqi, are as stupid as you? Ye Qingge is powerful, let her be powerful, what does it have to do with me?
It seems that the punishment given to you during this period of time is not enough, and you haven't given up yet. In this case, I will give you a little more trouble! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Mengqi directly plunged a steel needle into the sole of Ye Mengru's foot!

Ye Mengru screamed loudly, her face instantly became extremely pale, and her brows were directly wrinkled.

Seeing Ye Mengru in such pain, Ye Mengqi was overjoyed, and felt a strong sense of revenge.

Back then, Bai Qingmei used the same method to deal with her and her mother. At that time, she was powerless to resist and could only be bullied.

In order to protect her, my mother was beaten to death by Bai Qingmei every time.

From then on, she swore that she would take revenge by any means!
(End of this chapter)

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