Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 391 Fengyun College rejects Ye Qingge

Chapter 391 Fengyun College rejects Ye Qingge
The crowd who had been watching the excitement all shut up one after another, not daring to say any more.

As Ye Yiheng's backstage, Fengyun Academy must stand by Ye Yiheng's side at such a time.

Han Qing, the admissions tutor just now, had a sly look in his eyes.This time he was "entrusted" to come to Ye's house to find fault, but he has never had a chance to show it off, so of course he has to do a good job now!
So, he said mercilessly,
"Patriarch Ye, since you can't make the decision for Ye Yiheng from a fair point of view, then I, Fengyun Academy, will make the decision for him!
This time your granddaughter Ye Qingge is also applying for my Fengyun Academy. This kind of student is not accepted by my Fengyun Academy! "

After finishing speaking, Han Qing looked at Ouyang Fan and said to Ouyang Fan,

"Elder Ouyang, please show Ye Qingge's application letter, she is not worthy of entering our Fengyun Academy!"

"Hey! Are you going too far? Why can't Sister Qingge sign up? It's not Sister Qingge's fault!"

When Nangong Ling heard this, she became furious.

She could see the current situation clearly. The group of guys from Fengyun Academy, such as Bai Lian'er, Ma Yi, Ye Yiheng, and Han Qing, all deliberately came to bully Sister Qingge!
"Whoever of you dares to bully Sister Qingge, I, Nangong Ling, will be the first to beat him to death!"

After Nangong Ling finished speaking, she directly pulled out the silver whip from her waist, planning to do a big job!
At the same time, her strength as a first-order spiritual master was also revealed to everyone.

Tier [-] Healer!
A Tier 15 Healer who is less than [-] years old!
This is genius!
Even in Fengyun Academy, there are only a handful of such talents.

"Your name is Nangong Ling? The one who signed up with Ye Qingge?"

Ouyang Fan is the main person in charge of this enrollment, with more power than Han Qing, and all the application letters are with him.

For the 300 people who signed up this time, he carefully read all of them, and also paid special attention to the information of some people. Nangong Ling was one of his key objects of attention.

Unexpectedly, not only is this girl's surname not simple, but her strength is also not simple!
Fengyun Academy will never miss such a good seedling.

"That's right! I'm Nangong Ling! If you want to bully Sister Qingge, pass me first!"

Nangong Ling was still full of toughness.

Ye Han also continued, "Elder, my Sixth Miss really wants to study at Fengyun Academy, and I hope you can forgive me. If you don't accept her, then I won't sign up either."

"Your boy's name is Ye Han?"

Ouyang Fan continued to reveal Ye Han's name.

Ye Han was shocked, he didn't expect such a small role like himself to attract the attention of the elders of Fengyun Academy.

When Ye Mengqi saw that Ye Han and Nangong Ling had both appeared, she thought about it, and said,

"Master Elder, if you miss a genius like Ye Qingge, you will definitely regret it."

This time, Ouyang Fan just smiled and didn't say Ye Mengqi's name, as if he didn't care much about Ye Mengqi.

Ye Mengqi was a little embarrassed, but did not speak again.

At this time, Ma Yi, who had been wishing to trample Ye Qingge to death, directly persuaded,

"Elder Ouyang, they are a blatant threat! You are one of the three elders of the Alchemy Department of Fengyun College. These bumpkins are not qualified to threaten you at all!"

"Damn girl! Who are you calling a bumpkin?"

Nangong Ling replied on the spot, she could not understand Ma Yi for a long time, if it wasn't for Sister Qingge, she would definitely kill him every minute!

Ma Yi blushed with anger. Although he had a feminine temperament, he was a real man.

Now being called a sissy, or a dead sissy, he is about to eat people!

"Council, this young master will kill you right now!"

"Damn girl, with your strength? This girl can defeat you with one hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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