Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

At this time, besides Han Qing, there was another person who was very angry, and that was Bai Lian'er.

From the beginning to the end, Bai Lian'er pretended to be aloof and calm, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

But in fact, all of this was in her plan, including Ye Mengru's sudden appearance, and Fengyun Academy's rejection of Ye Qingge, all of which were premeditated by her.

I wanted to use the influence of Fengyun Academy to severely suppress Ye Qingge.

Never expected that at the most critical moment, Ouyang Fan, who never cared about other people's business, would actually come forward to help Ye Qingge, catching her by surprise!
Bai Lian'er was very depressed, Ouyang Fan's level of refining medicine was extremely high, she wanted to worship him as a teacher, but Ouyang Fan refused to accept her, and she thought she was not qualified.

It is such an elder who actually speaks for Ye Qingge today. What kind of rhythm is this?
If Ye Qingge really entered Fengyun Academy, he would definitely become her strong enemy and steal all the limelight from her.

No, no matter what, she must completely wipe out Ye Qingge in the admissions exam!

In this world, as long as there is her, Bai Lian'er, there can be no Ye Qingge!

Taking a deep breath, Bai Lian'er calmed down. She still had a perfect smirk on her face, but she looked at Ye Qingge with a little more contempt.

Yes, contempt.

This kind of high-ranking posture is easy for her to use, and if she can't really hurt Ye Qingge, then she will use her attitude to let the other party know who is the phoenix and who is the pheasant.

Ye Qingge sensed Bai Lian'er's hostility, and she didn't have any fear on her expression, instead she found it a little funny.

This white lotus looked down upon her too much, thinking she was the timid Ye Qingge from before?

What is contempt!
My aunt took it!
"Miss Bai, why do you keep staring at me? Could it be that you are hostile to me?"

Ye Qingge opened his mouth with a half-smile, and directly countered with words.

Bai Lian'er snorted coldly in her heart, but on the surface, she still said with a smile,
"Miss Ye misunderstood, I didn't look at you, but you, staring at me, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I just want to remind you that you have gum in your eyes." Ye Qingge smiled lightly and shrugged.


Nangong Ling couldn't hold back, and laughed outright.

When the crowd watching around heard Ye Qingge's words, they all looked curious, stretched their necks, and looked into Bai Lian'er's eyes.

Bai Lian'er is a fairy, a goddess, and she has gum in her eyes, which is a rare sight in ten thousand years!

Seeing everyone like this, Bai Lian'er panicked. She quickly covered her eyes, not daring to rub them, let alone let go.

What she cares most about is her image, and now that Ye Qingge has made such an adjustment, she immediately fell into a passive position!
"Haha, it scares you, I'm just teasing you."

Ye Qingge's voice was full of evil taste, she just said it casually just now, but she didn't expect Bai Lian'er's reaction to be so intense.

The goddess has too much burden, it's really not worth it.

"Damn bitch! Are you kidding Junior Sister Lian Er?"

Ma Yi yelled, cursed directly, and became angry with the crown.

Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows, and was about to fight back, when Nangong Lingzui gun mode was activated, and he rushed back and cursed,
"Damn bitch, you're cheap! Your whole family is cheap! Don't think that you're amazing just because you're from Fengyun College!

Let me tell you, this is Qingyun Kingdom, you have no place to act wild!
If you dare to scold sister Qingge once, I will dare to scold you ten!
Furthermore, Elder Sister Qingge is the future princess of His Royal Highness the Duke of the Dragon Empire. Her status is higher than yours, and her status is stronger than yours. How old do you think you are? "

(End of this chapter)

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