Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 395 Huangfu Jingshu strikes!

Chapter 395 Huangfu Jingshu strikes!

Ye Qingge frowned slightly, she didn't expect the enemy to investigate so clearly, even knowing these things, she really came prepared!

If she hadn't known that she had a plum blossom birthmark and that Huangfu Qianqian's was a fake, she would have died of depression by now!
Use this point to step on her very accurately, very accurately!
Unfortunately, she is not afraid!
The next time she sees Qian Jue, she will announce the plum blossom birthmark, and then someone will be slapped in the face.

As for now, if she doesn't announce it, no one will believe it even if she announces it.

That being the case, let these jumping clowns jump around for a while and see how long they can be proud.

"Tsk tsk, what Miss Bai said is really nice, she is indeed the white lotus among the white lotuses, amazing!" Ye Qingge seemed to praise, but in fact she was full of ridicule.

Bai Lian'er was a little confused, after all, the word "white lotus" was a good word in her perception.

But from Ye Qingge's tone, no matter how you look at it, she is not complimenting her.

After thinking about it, Bai Lian'er finally said,
"Thank you, Ms. Ye, for your praise. As long as you cultivate your body well, I believe that one day, you will become like me, a woman like the white lotus."

"No, white lotus is such a beautiful flower, I can't do it, you are more suitable."

Ye Qingge tried her best to hold back her laughter, she didn't expect this Bai Lian'er to be tricked like this, and she happily used this word to praise herself.

This is really... interesting!
When the scene gradually calmed down, Ye Yiheng couldn't help it. After all, Mr. Ye hadn't given him an "explainment" about Ye Mengru.

However, just as he was about to speak, another person came to the scene!

This person is none other than Huangfu Jingshu who has been holding back for two full months and is going to make a big move today!

"Princess Jingshu arrives—"

A high-pitched male duck voice came from not far away.

When everyone heard these words, they all made way for Huangfu Jingshu.

Soon, a delicate and dazzling red dress came into everyone's sight.

Huangfu Jingshu dressed up very grandly today, with red makeup and glamorous looks, she was on par with Bai Lian'er, both of them were so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off them.

"Oh my god, Her Royal Highness is here too. I am so honored to be able to see the three beauties of Qingyun Kingdom at the same time today!"

"His Royal Highness is worthy of being Her Royal Highness, she has such a good temperament!"

"However, why did Her Royal Highness come to Ye's house suddenly? Could something be wrong?"

"Today's good show seems to be getting more and more exciting!"


Everyone chattered and put all their attention on Huangfu Jingshu.

Huangfu Jingshu curled her lips into a smile, this is what she wanted!
Of course, after a short while of complacency, she started this serious business!

"Elder Ouyang, Instructor Han Qing, and distinguished guests of Fengyun College, Jing Shu, on behalf of the royal family, welcomes you to Qingyun Country to enroll students.

I heard that you will be staying at Ye's house this time, so Jing Shu came to see you, and by the way, meet up with old friends from before.

Lian Er, long time no see. "

Huangfu Jingshu's tone was so intimate, people who didn't know would think she had a good relationship with Bai Lian'er!
But in fact, these two people have always been rivals, but recently a Ye Qingge appeared, and the two of them temporarily diverted their conflicts and decided to eliminate Ye Qingge together first.

The rest will be discussed later.

"Princess Jingshu, our Fengyun College did plan to live in the Ye family at the beginning, but in the current situation of the Ye family, we can't live here!" Han Qing responded first, and then asked,
Yiheng, would you like to stay in a hotel with us? "

(End of this chapter)

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