Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 404

Chapter 404
"Miss Li, you are the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, and it's really inappropriate to come all the way here before you leave the cabinet.

For the sake of your reputation, you should leave as soon as possible. "

Rin refused aloud, trying to be as tactful as possible to give the other party a little face.

However, Li Manrou is no ordinary person.

Her cultivation talent can be ranked among the top ten in the Dragon Empire, and her status as the daughter of the prime minister's mansion is even more noble, only a little worse than a princess.

Therefore, she dared to come here, so she thought of all the countermeasures.

"Brother Jue Wang, Manrou really likes you, we have known each other since childhood, we are childhood sweethearts, our friendship is deeper than ordinary people.

I know you have a fiancée now, but Man Rou doesn't ask for a title, even if she is a concubine, she is willing. Can you give Man Rou a chance? "

Li Manrou is really courageous. In front of tens of thousands of troops, she confessed to Yu Qianjue in public, regardless of her daughter's family's reservedness.

If it was an ordinary man, he should have met such a wonderful woman long ago.

However, Yu Qianjue is no ordinary man!
He has his own heart, and he only likes Ye Qingge, not even Yuci's fiancée, let alone Li Manrou.


Yu Qianjue spoke coldly, expressing his attitude with just one word.

Li Manrou followed outside the carriage, her face turned pale and she was a little speechless.

Although she had already guessed that this would be the result, she still tried her best at all costs. She thought that doing so would impress the other party, but she just turned herself into a joke.

At this moment, Li Manrou hated that fiancée so much, and Ye Qingge even more so!

She heard that His Royal Highness had gone to Qingyun Kingdom, and was bewitched by a witch there, not only refused His Majesty's marriage, but also planned to marry the witch as his concubine.

How could a country girl from a third-rate country compare with her kind?

What's wrong with her, Yu Qianjue didn't even look at her!
"Brother Yu, I didn't expect you to be so single-minded, not only the beauty trick doesn't work, but even Li Manrou's backtracking, you are not tempted at all.

Next time I see Ye Qingge, I will definitely tell her about these things and let her know your dedication, hahaha—"

Wu Ze started teasing Yu Qianjue again, but the smile on his face was more of envy.

When will he be able to find his fate, and then be a couple for the rest of his life?
However, this kind of laughter, falling into Li Manrou's ears outside the carriage, turned into sarcasm!

With more and more eyes staring around, Li Manrou couldn't stay any longer, she rode quickly, fled, and left in embarrassment.

But at the same time, the hatred in her heart became stronger and stronger!

Sooner or later, she will definitely become the legitimate Princess Jue, Ye Qingge, right?You wait for Miss Ben!As long as I kill you, His Royal Highness will definitely marry me!Will!

As Li Manrou walked away, Rin began to worry.

"Your Highness, if you do this, you will completely offend the Prime Minister's Mansion. I'm afraid..." At this point, Rin stopped carefully and didn't say anything.

Yu Qianjue remained indifferent as usual, and only said six words, "This king has his own measure."


Yu Qianjue returned triumphantly, and his team returned to the imperial court.

When he arrived at the imperial capital, the old emperor greeted him personally, and countless officials and common people knelt down to greet him at the gate.

His Royal Highness is the god in their hearts, such a great gift, the King can afford it!
However, it was this situation that aroused the fear of the old emperor.

Because of the victory, the old emperor was very happy at first, but when he saw that the courtiers and the people were wildly looking forward to Yu Qianjue, his expression changed slightly.

 This article will be on the shelves on 6.30, I know some people will abandon the pit, it doesn't matter.

  If you have a destiny, just keep reading. If you don’t have a destiny, don’t force it. Qibao has written three books in Yunqi, and it’s the first time he’s written such a willful listing notice. Well, that’s it.

  PS: I refused to accept all the bad comments about the listing, and deleted it immediately when I found it, because I didn’t recommend it because of poor grades, the author is already full of heart, if someone scolds again, I will give you the [serious face] of the permanent ban package.

  Again PS: Thanks to the little angels who support genuine subscriptions in the future~ Although there may be only a few people, thank you all the same, as long as you are here, Qibao will not be easily taken away!In the next book, Qibao will definitely lead you to a beautiful victory!As for this book, although the grades are poor, I try not to give up.

  The road of life is long, and one day, the present suffering will become the pearl on the crown of future glory.

  ——Qibao Linglong, put pen to paper.


(End of this chapter)

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