Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 413 Wife Protecting Mad Demon 1

Chapter 413 Wife Protecting Mad Demon 1
If this opportunity is missed, it will be even more difficult to deal with Ye Qingge in the future!
However, before Bai Lianer could speak, Ye Qingge said again, "There is no limit to the number of friends who stood up just now, I am willing to give each of you a Juling Pill!"

"Cum clap-"

Hearing Ye Qingge's words, the remaining 20.00% of the people also stood up one after another.

In the end, only the playboys, Huangfu Jingshu, and Huangfu Cheng were left without standing up.

Facing so many people, Bai Lian'er was timid.

And Han Qing, the chief examiner, didn't have the courage to fight against everyone.

He hurriedly came out and said, "The examiner announces that Ye Qingge did not cheat. Everyone returns to their positions immediately and re-exams!"

"Master examiner, since I didn't cheat, should Bai Lian'er apologize to me? After all, she framed me just now."

Ye Qingge hooked her lips into a smile, since she won, she must win completely!
Han Qing looked embarrassed, and the possibility of making the arrogant Bai Lian'er apologize was almost zero.

Sure enough, after hearing this request, Bai Lian'er ignored Ye Qingge at all, turned around and left, her steps were messy and embarrassed.

Seeing this, Ye Qingge didn't force her anymore. Anyway, apologizing is meaningless without sincerity.

"Everyone, after the exam, I will keep my promise, thank you!"

After speaking, Ye Qingge sat back in his seat.


Soon, the exam was over, and the first round of assessment also temporarily came to an end.

The results will be notified after seven days. During these seven days, candidates can temporarily relax.

As for Bai Lian'er's accusation that Ye Qingge cheated, there was an uproar in the imperial city, and it became more than N versions.

For Bai Lian'er, this incident has greatly reduced her image. From a fairy to a vicious woman, Bai Lian'er is not only angry, but also angry.

After all, the situation is fixed and there is no way to change it.

Ye Qingge has gained a lot, her domineering sentence "each person has a spirit gathering pill" has raised her reputation as a pharmacist again, and aroused widespread admiration.

Of course, Ye Qingge at this time is not in the mood to care about these worships.

Because she promised to give one pill to each person, she basically couldn't rest. Apart from alchemy, her life was still alchemy!

Fortunately, she still has space for the universe, five days inside, one day outside, she has 35 days, enough!

In this way, Ye Qingge refined pills batch after batch.

As for the follow-up distribution, it was all handled by Ye Han and Nangong Ling. Those who received the pills were full of affection for Ye Qingge.

In the future, if you hang out with Ye Qingge, you will definitely have meat to eat!

Besides Yu Qianjue, when he was getting closer and closer to Qingyun Imperial City, he usually had a straight face and showed a shallow smile.

However, such a sunny smile suddenly turned black when Yu Qianjue received a certain message!

His little concubine was framed by Bai Lian'er and Huangfu Jingshu for cheating in the examination room, and was almost expelled from the examination room. It's really unreasonable!
He has only been away for two months, and Xiao Ge'er has been bullied like this, does he really think that Yu Qianjue is just a show?

"Your Highness, do we want to avenge Miss Ye?" Rin asked in a low voice.

Yu Qianjue glared directly at Rin, do you still need to ask such a question?

Some people who dare to touch his woman can go straight to hell.

"Call Elder Gong, who was placed in Fengyun College in the black market, and let him deal with it!" Yu Qianjue ordered in a cold voice, the tone of which could not be refused!
Rin was a little worried. Elder Gong was a piece of chess buried in Fengyun College in the black market. He had been lurking for many years. Now he was mobilized in this way just to avenge Miss Ye, so it was easy to reveal his identity.

However, His Highness has always been measured in his actions, and he must be sure of doing so if he dares to do so.

"Yes, this subordinate is going to pass the message!" Rin turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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