Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 420 The Weird Thunderbolt Palm

Chapter 420 The Weird Thunderbolt Palm
When encountering such an errand, he was also drunk. Could it be that the master is testing him on purpose?

Of course, these are things to follow.

Back to the topic.

After Ye Qingge agreed to Elder Ouyang, he joined the examinee team. Today there will be a second round of assessment, and Yu Qianjue is waiting beside him, waiting for his little princess to pass the second round.

At this time, Ouyang Fan personally rolled the roll to check whether any candidates were absent. At the end of the check, he found that Ye Han hadn't come.

"Ye Han, are you there?" Ouyang Fan asked again.

Ye Qingge looked at Nangong Ling and asked, "Why didn't Ye Han come?"

"He heard that Fengyun Academy didn't want you, so he didn't come, saying that he wanted to advance and retreat with you." Nangong Ling responded in a low voice.

Today, she actually didn't intend to come, but later found that Ye Qingge was not at home, guessing that Ye Qingge might have come to the palace, so she followed.

Ye Qingge didn't expect that kid Ye Han to be so loyal!
She is indeed the person she fancyes!

"Elder Ouyang, Ye Han has something to do, so I'll send someone to find him, okay?" Ye Qingge explained loudly.

Ouyang Fan glanced at Ye Qingge, then at Yu Qianjue, and could only say, "I only give you one hour."

"Okay!" Ye Qingge agreed loudly.

After the roll call is over, the next step is the formal assessment.

The second round is a PK match, which only depends on the strength. Two-by-two teams will be randomly assigned, and they will be promoted one by one. In the end, only 50 people will be admitted.

Ye Qingge was the first to play, and her opponent coincidentally was the playboy Zhao Ershao that day!
On the arena of the main hall, Zhao Ershao kept staring at Ye Qingge with a wretched expression.

Ye Qingge hated this kind of look the most, she started fighting without saying a word!

With a stroke of Thunderbolt Palm, he attacked Zhao Ershao like a gust of wind.

Zhao Ershao's strength is not bad, so he immediately launched a defense and narrowly avoided it.

Ye Qingge continued to attack, every move was murderous, as if he wanted to smash Zhao Ershao into pieces.

Yu Qianjue stood not far away, seeing Ye Qingge's moves, he clearly felt that his little Geer had made rapid progress in the past two months.

That Zhao Ershao is a fourth-level spirit man, but Ye Qingge, a third-level spirit man, beat him so helplessly that he could only dodge everywhere, okay!
"Brother, is Miss Ye sure to win?" Lu Mengmeng asked in a low voice, her eyes fixed on Ye Qingge.

Yes, the brothers and sisters of the Lu family also participated in the selection of Fengyun Academy, but they were relatively low-key and rarely spoke.

Lu Xiao raised his eyes and said, "The outcome is still uncertain, everything is still unknown."

"Oh... I hope Miss Ye can win too..." Lu Mengmeng continued to look at the ring.

At this time, Ye Qingge had already started to explode in full force, her attacks became more and more fierce, her aura cooperated with Thunderbolt Palm, and every move carried this sharp wind!

Those winds were like knives, leaving many scars on Zhao Ershao's body.

Zhao Ershao was completely irritated. He gathered all his spiritual power in one go, and strangled Ye Qingge's neck desperately.

Ye Qingge blocked it with her hand, and the power of her palm fell on Zhao Ershao, and then involuntarily began to suck spiritual power!
Ye Qingge was shocked!
How is this going?

Why does her body automatically absorb the opponent's spiritual power?

Zhao Ershao was also in a daze. He felt that the spiritual power in his body was constantly draining, and he wanted to break free, but he couldn't do anything.

Ye Qingge also wants to let go of Zhao Ershao. This method of absorbing other people's spiritual power is a taboo in Hongmeng Continent, and she doesn't want to violate it.

But no matter what she did, her body couldn't control it, and she was still absorbing Zhao Ershao's spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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