Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 427 Princess Hug

Chapter 427 Princess Hug

"Let's go home first."

Ye Qingge lowered her head, her pretty face turned red inexplicably.

Not seeing her for more than two months, she was shy at every turn, especially after Ye Han and others left, her heart beat faster, just like when she just fell in love.

Yu Qianjue liked the way Ye Qingge looked when he was shy. He couldn't help but patted Ye Qingge's head, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for two months, and my little Ge'er also started to blush."

"I do not have……"

Ye Qingge's voice was so low that she lost confidence when she heard it.

Seeing this, Yu Qianjue smiled even more happily. He directly put his arms around Ye Qingge's waist, then put his arms around, and flew to Ye's house.

He was looking forward to Ye Qingge's so-called surprise, so he didn't want to delay for a moment.

Ye Qingge grabbed Yu Qianjue's clothes, leaned her ear on Yu Qianjue's chest, heard Yu Qianjue's powerful heartbeat, and gradually relaxed.

Her Yu Qianjue really came back, right beside her, this feeling is real, not a dream.

Maybe it was because Yu Qianjue's embrace was too warm, or maybe it was because he was too tired today, flying around, Ye Qingge actually fell asleep in Yu Qianjue's arms!
After arriving at Ye's house, Yu Qianjue stopped on the ground and saw Ye Qingge who was sleeping soundly. He couldn't bear to wake her up, so he hugged her with a princess and held her tightly in his arms.

At the door of Ye's house, Mr. Ye waited for a long time.

Ever since he learned that Ye Qingge had become the new queen, he was so happy from ear to ear, and then ran to the door to wait.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingge came back faster than he imagined!

"Grandpa, Xiao Ge'er fell asleep, probably because he was too tired." Yu Qianjue whispered to Old Master Ye.

Mr. Ye first glanced at his granddaughter, and then at Yu Qianjue. As an experienced old man, he could tell at a glance that Yu Qianjue's past two months had not been easy.

His temperament is a little more bloody than when he left, and this kind of bloodyness is definitely not something that can be easily cultivated.

Is it really okay to entrust your granddaughter's life to such a dangerous man?
Mr. Ye was a little hesitant, but he also deeply understood that he couldn't take the initiative in this matter, it was up to Ye Qingge himself.

So after thinking about it, he just said, "Qianjue, you're back."

"Grandpa, long time no see." Yu Qianjue nodded slightly.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Mr. Ye had a lot to say, but in the end he only said these eight words.

Regarding Yu Qianjue's future, whether he will stay with Qingge forever, it's useless for him to ask these questions.

Forget it, let the young people solve their own affairs.

"Grandpa, I'll take Xiao Ge'er back to the room to rest."


Grandpa Ye nodded.

Yu Qianjue set off again, took Ye Qingge back to the small courtyard, and came to his previous room.

According to the general situation, Yu Qianjue should actually take Ye Qingge back to Ye Qingge's room.

But for some reason, when he saw his previous room, Yu Qianjue came back here by mistake.

This room is the same as it was two months ago, the furnishings have not changed in any way, and it is clean and tidy. Someone should disturb it every day.

Looking at it, Yu Qianjue always had the illusion that he had never left this place in the past two months.

Only here can truly give him the warmth of home.

Yu Qianjue's heart warmed up bit by bit. He smiled and put Ye Qingge on the bed, then covered her with a quilt, and silently watched over her.

This watch, directly from daytime to dark.

It wasn't until the moon was in the sky and the moonlight entered the room that Ye Qingge woke up in a daze.

"Why did I fall asleep? Why didn't you wake me up?"

(End of this chapter)

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