Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 429 Revealing the Plum Blossom Birthmark!

Chapter 429 Revealing the Plum Blossom Birthmark!

Ye Qingge gave him a blank look, "Can't you think of something else?"

"what is that?"

"Close your eyes first." With the birthmark on her back, Ye Qingge was embarrassed to undress in front of Yu Qianjue.

When Yu Qianjue heard that he was about to close his eyes, he became even more curious.

The corners of his lips curled up, and then he closed his eyes obediently, waiting for the next surprise.

After confirming that Yu Qianjue closed his eyes tightly, Ye Qingge untied his belt as quickly as possible, and then took off until only the inner was left, and then pulled down the collar on the back, revealing the beautiful butterfly bones.

With his back to Yu Qianjue, Ye Qingge said: "You can open your eyes."

Yu Qianjue opened his eyes suddenly, he thought he would wait for his little Geer to offer a kiss, or some kind of gift, but he didn't expect to find a... **** back!


On Xiao Ge'er's back...

that place……

Plum Birthmark!

A real plum birthmark! ! !
"Little Ge'er, am I dreaming? Is it real this time? I definitely didn't miss it this time, right?"

Yu Qianjue stroked the birthmark excitedly, only to feel that this coquettish plum blossom became more and more beautiful the more it looked.

Ye Qingge smiled faintly, pulled up the clothes, and then put them on again,

"Well, you're not mistaken, it's this birthmark. I'm also curious why it suddenly appeared. It didn't exist when I was a child..." Ye Qingge was also at a loss.

"What about last time? Why did it suddenly disappear last time?"

"Last time when I was taking a bath, the birthmark disappeared temporarily when it got wet with water. After the water dried up, it reappeared." Ye Qingge explained.

Yu Qianjue sorted out the cause and effect, and immediately straightened it out.

It turned out that Xiao Ge'er was his real fiancee!
Huangfu Qianqian's birthmark was a fake, and only Xiao Ge'er could accurately match all the information!

When I was looking for someone in Qingyun Country, many people were investigated on the black market, but Xiao Geer was the only one who was not investigated!

I go!

If I had known this earlier, I should have been the first to check Xiaoge'er back then, otherwise I wouldn't have taken such a big detour!
Fortunately, everything has surfaced.

Xiao Ge'er is his fiancée, they are a couple made in heaven, if Grandpa Huang knows the news, he will definitely not object anymore!
"Little Ge'er, I'll write a letter to tell Grandpa Huang that he will definitely not stop us." Yu Qianjue was very excited.

He can't wait to tell the world that Ye Qingge is his real fiancee, and they are the real destined people!

"Don't, your grandpa has a lot of opinions on me. When you asked the special envoy to kill me, he definitely wouldn't believe that I have a birthmark.

If you wrote a letter, he would only suspect that the birthmark was fake, that you had someone forge it, and the purpose was to prevent him from objecting. "

Ye Qingge saw this matter very clearly, so she only told Yu Qianjue about the birthmark.

After hearing this, Yu Qianjue felt that it made sense.

A suspicious person like Grandpa Huang will definitely not believe Xiao Ge'er's birthmark, he will only think that they are acting together, and even convict Xiao Ge'er of deceiving the emperor because of this!
In the end, Yu Qianjue decided to hide this matter.

As long as he knows it himself, no one else needs to know, anyway, regardless of whether there is a birthmark or not, he will marry in this life, only Ye Qingge is alone!
"By the way, Qianjue, there is one more thing, I don't know how to say it..."

Ye Qingge's expression was tangled, she thought of the black mist that appeared on her body more than two months ago.

(End of this chapter)

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