Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 432

Chapter 432
To this, Nangong Ling only replied with one word, "Bah!"

"Little bitch, this princess warns you, don't toast and refuse to drink fine wine, otherwise this princess will make your life worse than death!" Huangfu Jingshu threatened coldly.

Nangong Ling was still disdainful, and said with a sneer, "You can use whatever tricks you want. Auntie is afraid of everything, except threats!"

"Oh! Be stubborn! You will feel better later!"

As Huangfu Jingshu spoke, he prepared to torture.

Seeing this, Huangfucheng quickly persuaded, "Sister Huang, don't worry, it's still early, we can persuade you again."

Huangfu Cheng didn't want to completely offend the Ye family, so he tried to maintain a balance.

Bai Lian'er didn't want to have a complete quarrel, after all, the value of these two people's use is not so great.

Taking advantage of Huangfu Jingshu's anger, Bai Lian'er said, "You two, what benefits will you gain by following Ye Qingge?
Take Ye Han for example, no matter how powerful Ye Qingge is, you are only her guard after all, with a lower status than her, she can order you around and treat you like a slave.

But as long as you cooperate with us, after success, we guarantee that you will be promoted to a noble, become a master, and have endless glory and wealth in your life.

There is also Nangong girl, who has been by Ye Qingge's side all the time, and is loyal to Ye Qingge, that Ye Qingge didn't regard you as his own, did he? "

"Sister Qingge is a good friend of mine, it's useless for you to provoke discord." Nangong Ling didn't listen to Bai Lian'er at all. She grew up in the Lingyu after all, so how could she be easily fooled.

As for Ye Han, he has always been proud of Ye Qingge's bodyguard, being able to protect Ye Qingge is the happiest thing for him.

It would be impossible for him to betray Sixth Miss!
"Bai Lian'er, give up, I will never betray Miss Six!" Ye Han roared.

Bai Lian'er smiled lightly, her expression indifferent, she knew that it would not be so easy for these two to cooperate.

She has a lot of patience, wait slowly!

As long as Ye Qingge's right-hand man becomes her own, wouldn't it be easy for her to deal with Ye Qingge?
"Master Ye, you have to think carefully, as long as you help me, I will definitely give you a lot of benefits...including..."

Bai Lian'er could get close to Ye Han, her movements were ambiguous, her voice was extremely alluring, and if she couldn't be seduced by money, she began to use her beauty to seduce her.

She has used this trick on many men, and it has been tried repeatedly.

Every time, those men were so fascinated that they were willing to go through fire and water for her.

But this time, Ye Han hit a wall.

"Stay away from me, I think you are dirty!"

Ye Han mercilessly rejected Bai Lian'er, and finally cursed, very relieved.

After Nangong Ling watched from the side, she couldn't help laughing, "Bai Lian'er, just because of your ugly appearance, you want to seduce Ye Han, in your next life, haha..."


Bai Lian'er was so angry that she waved her hand and slapped Nangong Ling with a "pop".

"Bad girl, if you don't want to die, be honest!"

"How dare you hit me!!!"

Nangong Ling was furious. She had been a favorite since she was a child, and she had never been wronged. Her parents couldn't bear to touch even a hair of her.

Today, she was actually slapped by an ugly monster?
"You bitch, let me go if you have the ability, my aunt wants to fight you one-on-one! Bitch! Bitch!!!"

Nangong Ling kept yelling and was extremely agitated. The iron chain on her body kept shaking, but she still couldn't break free after all.

(End of this chapter)

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