Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 441 The Meaning of His Existence

Chapter 441 The Meaning of His Existence
"Little Ge'er, don't think too much, you will be going to Fengyun Academy soon, just focus on your studies.

As for other troublesome matters, leave them to your husband, I will always be your solid backing! "

Yu Qianjue smiled and changed the subject.

Ye Qingge thought about it, and felt right, Huangfu Qianqian was in the past tense, so she didn't have to worry too much.

On the contrary, it was Bai Lian'er and Huangfu Jingshu, these two need to be on guard!
Although Huangfu Jingshu did not pose a threat anymore, Bai Lian'er was still there. Nangong Ling also said just now that Bai Lian'er was also involved in this matter.

It's a pity that it was too hasty at that time, Ye Han's leg was seriously injured, and he didn't have time to settle the ledger!

Next time, when she sees Bai Lian'er, it will definitely be Bai Lian'er's end!

Before that, she must improve her strength!

Thinking of this, Ye Qingge left Yu Qianjue's arms directly, and said solemnly, "I'm going to practice, I'll leave this to you!"

"Little..." Before he could finish calling his name, Ye Qingge's figure disappeared in a hurry, leaving only a light blue afterimage of Yu Qianjue.


Yu Qianjue couldn't help but want to laugh. He used to force Ye Qingge to practice every day, hoping that she would improve her strength. If she slack off a little, he would "torture her hard".

Now that Ye Qingge took the initiative to ask for cultivation, he was still a little uncomfortable.

Just when Yu Qianjue was smiling, Ye Han on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

Yu Qianjue was not surprised, and said in a calm tone, "Finally stopped pretending to be asleep?"

After Hei Wu repaired the wound, Yu Qianjue realized that Ye Han had woken up, but Ye Han didn't open his eyes, and he didn't bother to expose it.

Ye Han looked at Yu Qianjue, his eyes were a little more complicated than usual.

That cloud of black mist was his biggest secret, and it appeared out of nowhere recently, and he didn't know what was going on.

Fortunately, Miss Six did not fear him or discriminate against him because of this, and the head of the family also valued him as always, which made him very relieved.

"Your Highness, there is one thing I want to ask you." Ye Han said bluntly, looking straight at Yu Qianjue, eyes as clear as the moon, very heavy.

Seeing Ye Han's serious expression, Yu Qianjue also started to take it seriously.

"what's up?"

"As for the origin of the black mist, I would like to ask you to help investigate."

"Even you don't know?" Yu Qianjue was a little surprised.

Ye Han shook his head, if he knew, he wouldn't be like this now.

Yu Qianjue's eyes became more thoughtful, it seemed that this matter was more difficult than he imagined.

"I don't want to be a monster, I just stay by Miss Six forever, protect her, take care of her, this is my mission.

If the existence of the black mist makes me the focus, I think I might leave her..."

When the word "leave" was mentioned, Ye Han's heart couldn't help but start to throb.

Hearing Ye Han's words, Yu Qianjue always felt something was wrong. He snorted coldly and warned, "Xiao Ge'er is my king's woman! You better not have delusions!"

"I know, my feelings for Miss Six are not what you think...

This is a kind of innate sense of mission, as if my existence is to protect her. When I saw her when I was a child, I had that feeling.

It's a pity that the head of the family transferred me away from the big room, so I couldn't protect Miss Six before.

But from now on, I have the ability, even if I risk my life, I will protect Miss Six! "

Ye Han's expression was very loyal. He had misunderstood it before, and he felt that way about Miss Six.

But after experiencing this broken leg, he finally understood that he has no affection for Ye Qingge, only a natural sense of protection and belonging. This is a very wonderful fate.

It seems that the meaning of his existence is for Ye Qingge!

(End of this chapter)

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