Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 444 The End of Huangfu Jingshu 2

Chapter 444 The End of Huangfu Jingshu 2
"Bitch!!!" Emperor Qingyun roared angrily, and kicked Huangfu Jingshu directly!
With a loud bang, Huangfu Jingshu was kicked dozens of meters away, but her head was still unconscious.

When she saw Emperor Qingyun, she immediately showed a charming smile, and then she wanted to pounce on the emperor naked, like a sow in heat.

The emperor couldn't bear to watch it any longer, so he directly asked the Imperial Forest Army to knock Huangfu Jingshu unconscious, and then asked someone to find a cloth to cover it.

As for Huangfu Cheng, because he was too crazy last night, his clothes had been torn and he was naked now, so he was also wrapped in a piece of cloth.

Afterwards, Emperor Qingyun asked the Imperial Forest Army to leave the secret room, and he began to question what was going on.

Huangfu Cheng was terrified, so he snotted and burst into tears, and told all about Huangfu Jingshu.

He only remembered what happened before being given the love potion by Huangfu Jingshu, and he forgot what happened after that.

And why Huangfu Jingshu also fell victim to the love potion, he also didn't know.

"Nonsense! It's all nonsense!!!"

Emperor Qingyun became impatient, he always thought that Huangfu Jingshu was very smart, a sensible princess, but he was even more stupid than Huangfu Qianqian!

Ye Qingge belongs to the King Jue, and she actually wanted to move Ye Qingge in a delusional way. Isn't this the Ni Lin who moved His Highness the King Jue?
Offending such a big person, even if the entire Qingyun Kingdom is paid, it is not enough to offset the anger of His Highness Jue Wang!

"What about Bai Lian'er? Didn't she also participate? Why isn't she here anymore?"

Emperor Qingyun had already figured it out, all this needed a scapegoat, and Bai Lian'er was the best scapegoat.

"I don't know, my son was also a victim last night..."

As Huangfucheng spoke, he began to cry again.

After this incident, his spirit was hit hard, and he couldn't adjust for a while, and he didn't care about his status as a prince.

"Useless things!"

Emperor Qingyun didn't want to care about this son anymore, he yelled loudly at the Imperial Forest Army outside, "Go and catch Bai Lian'er!"


The Imperial Forest Army immediately dispatched a group of people to arrest Bai Lian'er.

However, a quarter of an hour later, Emperor Qingyun got the news that Bai Lian'er left Qingyun Kingdom overnight and returned to Fengyun Academy.

Fengyun Academy is not under the jurisdiction of Qingyun Kingdom, and it is almost impossible for Emperor Qingyun to arrest people.

"Damn!!! That bitch is smart!!!"

Emperor Qingyun compared Bai Lian'er, and then looked at his own sons and daughters, they were stupid or stupid!

I'm afraid that all of this is Bai Lian'er's plan, and his children are all Bai Lian'er's tools, and the Bai family are indeed vicious people!
Emperor Qingyun couldn't swallow this breath, but he couldn't find Ye Qingge to settle the score.

Therefore, he directly ordered, "Send Qingyun Kingdom's most powerful secret guards to chase after Bai Lian'er, kill her immediately, and bring her body back to Qingyun Kingdom!"


The head of the Royal Forest Army took the order and retreated directly.

After all this was said, Emperor Qingyun was still physically and mentally exhausted. He had been shrewd and experienced for many years, and he had been balancing the relationship between the major families and calming down Fengyunzong's emotions.

I thought it was good enough for him to walk, but I didn't expect that the outside is not chaotic, but the inside of me is in chaos!
What exactly is this retribution?
"My son... my son..."

At this time, a crying woman came from the secret room.

This person is none other than the queen who fainted last night.


When Huangfucheng saw the queen, tears welled up in his eyes, and he immediately threw himself into the queen's arms.

The queen looked at Huangfu Cheng with great distress, and at Huangfu Jingshu with great distress, and finally began to cry.

"Creating crimes... making crimes..."

(End of this chapter)

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