Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 447 Departure to Fengyun Academy

Chapter 447 Departure to Fengyun Academy

Huangfu Jingshu hated her very much. Although the scandal between her and Huangfu had been suppressed, she was still aggrieved in her heart, wishing to cut Ye Qingge to pieces!

If it wasn't for Ye Qingge, she wouldn't have done such a shameful thing.

Her innocence, her reputation, her face, and her spiritual power are all ruined!
And the most important thing now is to ask about the disappearance of the spiritual power. If there is no spiritual power, she will definitely not be able to survive after going to Fengyun Academy.

Huangfu Jingshu guessed that Ye Qingge must have just asked Yu Qianjue to seal her spiritual power, but not abolished it, after all her spiritual veins were still there.

As long as the seal is broken and her spiritual power is restored, even if her face is disfigured, she will still be the girl of heaven.

"Is my spiritual power your hands and feet?"

Huangfu Jingshu questioned directly, because she was wearing a veil, she felt very uncomfortable speaking, and her tone was even worse.

"Princess Jingshu is really good at joking, your spiritual power is on you, what does it have to do with me?"

Ye Qingge responded with a half smile, she hated Huangfu Jingshu very much, and she felt that the last revenge was not enough.

If it wasn't for Nangong Ling and Ye Han's luck, they would be the ones suffering now.

So no matter how miserable Huangfu Jingshu was, Ye Qingge felt that she deserved it.

"Damn it! Believe it or not, this princess killed you?" Huangfu Jingshu threatened in a low voice.

Ye Qingge sneered, and directly countered, "Huangfu Jingshu, do you think you are still the noble princess from before? As long as I spread your scandal, what do you think Emperor Qingyun will do?"


Huangfu Jingshu held back her anger. She thought Ye Qingge would be afraid, but she didn't expect to threaten her instead!


It really makes no sense!

Just when Huangfu Jingshu was furious, Lu Xiao and Lu Mengmeng also came to the team.

Seeing her "fiancé", Huangfu Jingshu restrained her temper a little bit. She and Huangfu Cheng had a bad relationship. After going to Fengyun Academy, the only person she could rely on was Lu Xiao.

Therefore, she had to make Lu Xiao like her.

Therefore, Huangfu Jingshu immediately adjusted her posture, looked at Lu Xiao with a smile, and called softly, "Young Master Lu."

Lu Xiao is not interested in Huangfu Jingshu, but after all, he has a marriage contract, so he can't be too heartless.

So I just nodded slightly, and then started to say to Ye Qingge, "Miss Ye, the carriage to Fengyun College this time is five people a car, I wonder if we can form a team?"

"This one……"

Ye Qingge looked at his companions, there happened to be five of them.

Just when she was about to refuse, Ye Mengqi suddenly said, "Sister Qingge, I can team up with anyone."

"But it's not enough. There are four of us." Nangong Ling said directly.

Lu Xiao wasn't embarrassed, "How about this, Miss Ye, I'll leave Mengmeng to your care. I'll be busy practicing along the way. There are more girls on your side, so it's more lively."


Ye Qingge smiled and agreed, she liked Lu Mengmeng very much, so she was very welcome.

Ye Mengqi was very happy. Lu Mengmeng shared a carriage with Ye Qingge. In other words, she had a chance to share a carriage with Lu Xiao?
Although Lu Xiao already has a fiancée and is the most honorable princess of Qingyun Kingdom, Ye Mengqi still does not give up.

Even if she could only be Lu Xiao's concubine, she would be willing.

Soon, the team was assigned, and each group of five got into the carriage.

After Ouyang Fan finished his preparations, he announced his departure immediately!

Let's go!

Fengyun Academy! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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