Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 450 Cliff Test 2

Chapter 450 Cliff Test 2
At this time, Huangfu Jingshu was ready.

She came to the edge of the cliff, imitating Ouyang Fan's appearance just now, and carefully stepped on the iron chain.

At first, things went relatively smoothly, she has good balance, so nothing went wrong.

But halfway through, a gust of wind suddenly blew up from the cliff. Huangfu Jingshu's body was out of balance, and she didn't have the spiritual power to control the iron chain. She fell off the iron chain and began to fall off the cliff...

"Ah!" A scream came from under the cliff.

Those complacent people just now were stunned when they saw Huangfu Jingshu die like this!
"Elder Ouyang, that's the princess of our Qingyun Kingdom, why don't you save her?" A young man in Tsing Yi asked in a low voice.

Ouyang Fan stroked his beard with a half-smile, but didn't speak.

It was because of him that the rest of the students became even more afraid, and the group of people who were eager to try just now retreated.

If they fell down the cliff like Huangfu Jingshu, it would be too bad luck.

At this time, Ye Qingge began to discuss with Yu Qianjue, "The rules of Fengyun Academy are really so strict? Huangfu Jingshu is not an ordinary freshman, are they really not afraid at all?"

"I think it's weird too."

Yu Qianjue vaguely felt that there was something tricky in it, but he couldn't figure out what it was exactly.

Under the heavy atmosphere, half an hour passed. During this half hour, no one tried again, and they were all frightened by the scene just now.

Standing opposite, Ouyang Fan saw that the freshmen didn't dare to come over, so he said directly, "If you haven't arrived here before dark, you will lose the qualification to enter Fengyun College forever."


Everyone gasped, Ouyang Fan's words clearly drove them to a dead end.

Seeing the freshmen one after another looking like wilted eggplants, Yu Qianjue patted Ye Qingge's shoulder, and said in a voice like spring breeze in March, "I'll be waiting for you on the opposite side."

After finishing speaking, Yu Qianjue was the second to come to the edge of the cliff.

Without any hesitation, he stepped directly onto the iron chain. Compared with Huangfu Jingshu's cautiousness just now, Yu Qianjue looked extremely confident. He held his head high and chest out every step of the way, as if walking on flat ground.

Halfway through, just like before, there was another gust of wind in the mountains, and the chains began to shake!
Seeing this scene, Ye Qingge's voice rose to his core!

"Qianjue be careful!" Ye Qingge yelled subconsciously.

When Yu Qianjue heard Ye Qingge's words, he turned around and gave Ye Qingge a reassuring smile.

Then, still calm and composed, he strode forward and finally reached the opposite bank safely.

Seeing Yu Qianjue's success, those freshmen who were always afraid, seemed to have been reassured and had a little more confidence.

Ye Qingge smiled brightly, that's great, Qian Jue is safe, as long as there is nothing wrong, everything will be fine.

Even Ouyang Fan couldn't help but praised, "His Royal Highness, you are the first freshman to break through this puzzle in history."

"Confused?" Yu Qianjue raised his eyebrows, and then thought of the wind just now.

The wind came very suddenly, it happened when he passed by, and it also happened when Huangfu Jingshu passed by. Could it be that it was just as Xiao Geer guessed, all of this is not as simple as it seems?
The more Yu Qianjue thought about it, the more likely it was.

It's a pity that although he broke the so-called "puzzle", he didn't know what the puzzle was.

What kind of medicine is being sold in the gourd of Fengyun Academy?

(End of this chapter)

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