Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 455 Ice Beauty Liang Wei

Chapter 455 Ice Beauty Liang Wei

Come to think of it, it's her!
That purple-clothed girl who was hunted down by many killers in the outskirts of Qingyun Kingdom that day seemed to be from the Hunter League... Why did she also come to Fengyun Academy?
Seeing Ye Qingge's surprised expression, Yu Qianjue immediately asked, "Little Geer, do you know that person?"

"It's not considered acquaintance, I only met once." Ye Qingge's voice was light, and he didn't want to mention it too much.

After all, there are too many people now, and the Hunter Alliance is not an ordinary organization. If you talk too much, it will only cause trouble.

Inside the school gate.

A group of old students saw the first challenge from the girl in purple, and couldn't help laughing, "This year's freshmen are really interesting, the first ones who want to come in are women.

Hello!fat man!You have to be gentle with this girl—"

The old man was booing from behind, and the strong man at the door smiled, rubbed his hands together and said, "Little girl, why don't you come here quickly?"

Liang Wei squinted at the strong man with disdain in her eyes, and then continued to walk towards the door of the hungry wolf.

Seeing this scene, all the old and new students, including the strong man at the door, all widened their eyes!
This slender-looking girl actually wants to challenge the Hungry Wolf Gate, isn't she convulsed?

What's the difference between this and dying?
Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Liang Wei just slowly pulled out a dagger from her waist, her purple eyes shot out a strong murderous intent.

A gust of wind suddenly blew up around her, her dress fluttered, and her long purple hair fluttered in the sun, like a coquettish purple rose.

This girl is not easy!
Seeing the girl's aura, those who were disdainful and ridiculed just now changed their faces.

This asura-like aura, how can ordinary people have it, what is the origin of this girl, so powerful?

Seeing the girl walking towards the Hungry Wolf Gate step by step, everyone began to look forward to whether she would be able to pass through smoothly.

Those hungry wolves hadn't eaten for a long time, and when they saw the girl approaching like this, they rushed towards the purple-clothed girl one by one, as if they had seen the most delicious meat!

However, the girl's attack was extremely fast. After the first wolf rushed over, she cut off the wolf's neck quickly and ruthlessly!


The wolf was lying on the ground, and the blood instantly attracted the attention of the wolves.

They didn't dare to move forward, fearing that they would become the second wolf to be killed, so they could only watch the purple-clothed girl cross the gate step by step.

Soon, Liang Wei passed the examination and became the first freshman to enter the school.

After Liang Wei left, the wolves lost their guard and rushed directly to the corpse of the companion.

Seeing this bloody and cruel scene, many freshmen turned their heads away, not daring to look at it.

The girl who just passed the examination turned around and looked at this scene indifferently, without any fluctuations in her expression, as if she was not used to it.

Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows, and paid more attention to the purple-clothed girl. This person was the same as when he met last time. When he started, he was murderous and strong, but then he was indifferent and cold, like a natural killer.

If it was the prey she was targeting, it would definitely die a miserable death, right?

Perhaps because she noticed Ye Qingge's existence, the girl in purple looked towards Ye Qingge, her lips pursed slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

This time, the girl in purple was not wearing a veil, and Ye Qingge could see her face clearly.

She was extremely beautiful, wearing a tight purple dress, which wrapped her well-developed figure exquisitely.

And her flawless and exquisite face has attracted the attention of countless people!
(End of this chapter)

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