Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 476 Alchemy PK

Chapter 476 Alchemy PK
Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows, and responded forcefully, "I give you this sentence, if you go back on your word now, there is still a way to survive."

"Tough mouth!"

The young man in white dismissed it, and then directly began to sort out the materials.

Ye Qingge also came to his place and took out the Dragon Flame Grass from the storage ring. Every alchemist would carry some medicinal materials with him, so the materials were not a problem.

The problem is the refining level and the effect of refining.

This competition is related to the honor of Class Ding, and even more related to Ye Qingge's future status in Fengyun Academy.

If she wins, it will definitely be much smoother in the future, but if she loses, it will probably be worse than it is now.

Yu Qianjue looked at Ye Qingge, who was concentrating on preparing medicine, with admiration in his eyes, his favorite Xiao Geer was so strong and decisive, no matter if she lost or won, he would always be by her side.

And he is confident that his woman will never lose!
Soon, the news that Ye Qingge and the white-clothed youth were competing to refine medicine on the fifth floor spread throughout the cafeteria.

Most of the people on the fifth floor gathered here to watch the excitement. Firstly, the practice of refining medicine was relatively rare, and it was very rare to be able to see an alchemist refining medicine with his own eyes.

Secondly, it is because this PK is very interesting, one is a rookie, one is an old student, one is from Class D, and the other is from Class B.

In fact, they knew without thinking that the rookie must have lost. They were looking forward to seeing Ye Qingge being instantly killed, and found it very enjoyable.

"The rookie just doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and dares to challenge the old students of Class B. It's admirable courage! Haha——"

"I bet, within a quarter of an hour, this rookie will automatically give up. Alchemy is not just a play, how could the rookie win?"

"Tsk tsk, it hasn't been so lively on the fifth floor for a long time, today is not in vain!"


All kinds of voices filled the entire floor.

In a box at the far right corner, a certain noble man in purple frowned when he heard the noise outside.

"What's going on outside?" the man in purple asked coldly.

Immediately, a hidden guard went out to check the situation, and then came back to report the news, "Young Master Huichen, there are two alchemists outside, and they are refining medicine for PK.

Among them is a pharmacist, a newcomer this year, named Ye Qingge, she is very weak, but she dared to challenge the old students, so it attracted a lot of discussion. "

"Ye Qingge?"

It's this name again.

The man in purple missed a heartbeat, remembering the scene he saw at Ye's house when he went to Qingyun Country that day.

It was a coincidence that the girl in yellow who had the same name as her former lover also came to Fengyun Academy.

"Young Master Chen, I heard that this competition is very interesting, do you want to go and see it?" The secret guard asked cautiously, hoping that his young master could get in touch with more people in Fengyun Academy and not be bored all the time.

Ye Chen is not interested in this kind of thing, and when he hears the word "Ye Qingge", his emotions will easily get out of control, so it's better not to.

He and Qingge are already people from two worlds, so what's the point of going to see someone with the same name and surname as her?
Once again, Ye Chen missed a good opportunity.

Let's talk about other places in the cafeteria. When the news from the fifth floor reached the downstairs, many people became restless.

A duel between pharmacists, that's a big show!

It's a pity that it's on the fifth floor, they are not qualified to go up, otherwise they must go and see for themselves!
"Ye Han, the Ye Qingge they are talking about is sister Qingge, right?" Nangong Ling was eating roast duck on the third floor. After hearing this, she immediately put down the food in her hand.

Ye Han nodded, and said seriously, "It must be Miss Six, let's go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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