Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 485 Nangong Ling's Sweetheart

Chapter 485 Nangong Ling's Sweetheart

"I'm just praising you. You have a big appetite and are easy to feed. Whoever marries you in the future will definitely save trouble."

Ye Han explained lightly.

Nangong Ling rolled her eyes and felt that there was something wrong.

"No! I still think you're scolding me!
Ye Han, my aunt hasn't shown her power for three days, are you going to expose the tiles and go to the house? "

"That's not what I meant."

"That's what you mean!"

Nangong Ling has a particularly hot temper, and now that she is [-]% full and has nothing to do, she directly pulls out the silver whip from her waist, ready to fight!
Seeing Nangong Ling's movements, Ye Han retreated ten meters away subconsciously.

Having been beaten by Nangongling many times, he is very experienced in this area. Before Nangongling could strike again, he turned around and ran away.

"Miss Six! I'm leaving first!!!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Han rushed downstairs at a speed of [-] meters!

"Stop! You bastard! You're tired of scolding my aunt!"

Nangong Ling hurried to chase, the speed was like the wind, and the two ran away like this, leaving only a group of onlookers messed up in the wind.

Gong Wuchen looked at it for a while, and couldn't help laughing, "Miss Nangong is still the same, lively and cheerful."

"It's too lively, and sometimes it often causes trouble, and no one can stop it." Ye Qingge smiled helplessly.

Zhuang Yuncheng was stunned for a while, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that Nangong Ling was pleasing to the eye, and he was the type he liked.

And when Nangong Ling whipped the whip just now, he had an inexplicable urge to hope that the person who was whipped was himself.

In the past, Zhuang Yuncheng would feel that this kind of thinking is very strange, it is simply a masochist!

But now, he felt that there was no problem with this idea!

Mustering up his courage, Zhuang Yuncheng asked in a low voice, "Boss, can I ask one thing?"

"what's up?"

"That... Miss Nangong has someone she likes?"


Ye Qingge was bewildered, seeing Zhuang Yuncheng's shy and fledgling face, she couldn't believe that Zhuang Yuncheng actually liked Nangong Ling!

"I'm serious, this Nangong girl, I think it's pretty good...it suits me very well!"

Zhuang Yuncheng specially emphasized the last four words.

Although he is shy, he is not timid. A man should be responsible. After clarifying his mind, he must work hard to fight for it.

Seeing Zhuang Yuncheng's expression, Ye Qingge was a little embarrassed. She didn't know how to explain it. After all, Nangong Ling had been looking for her destined person.

If Zhuang Yuncheng is not the predestined person, then he will never be able to.

After Yu Qianjue heard Zhuang Yuncheng's thoughts, he didn't have as many worries as Ye Qingge. If he likes it, he will fight for it. This is also his principle.

"Nangong Ling has no sweetheart."

Yu Qianjue opened his mouth and gave Zhuang Yuncheng an affirmative answer.

After Zhuang Yuncheng heard the news, his expression was overjoyed, and he clasped his fists and said,
"Thanks for letting me know!
Boss, you are still a man! "


Ye Qingge didn't want to talk.

Yu Qianjue liked Zhuang Yuncheng's title very much, "Ye Qingge's man", no matter how hard Gong Wuchen tried, he still couldn't get this title.

However, not long after Yu Qianjue was proud, Rin suddenly came to the scene.

He looked anxious, and whispered a few words in Yu Qianjue's ear, Yu Qianjue frowned after listening.

"Little Ge'er, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first. This is a gold card. You can pay later."

Yu Qianjue handed Ye Qingge a gold card, and left in a hurry after speaking, leaving Ye Qingge with a blurred back.

Seeing Yu Qianjue's nervous appearance, Ye Qingge's heart seemed to have been torn off a large piece, and there was an indescribable suffocation.

Why did he leave so suddenly?
What is the secret that Qian Jue has been keeping from her?
(End of this chapter)

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