Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 487 Mother's Origin 2

Chapter 487 Mother's Origin 2
"Yue Wanrou is actually the eldest princess of the Fengwu Empire, but she disappeared inexplicably when she just turned sixteen.

Then two years later, she came back once, but soon left again.

Since then, the queen has ordered all news of the eldest princess to be blocked, as if to remove her from the entire empire, as if she had never appeared before. "

"Why? Isn't my mother her daughter? No real mother would treat her daughter like this."

Ye Qingge didn't understand.

Gong Wuchen didn't understand either. After all, it was a matter of the previous generation. When Yue Wanrou was banned, he was not born yet.

That's all he knows.

"Fortunately, when your mother came to Qingyun, she didn't hide her name, and many people knew her name was Yue Wanrou, so I found this clue through other channels.

Otherwise, I really can't believe that the eldest princess of Fengwu Empire would marry into an ordinary family in Qingyun Kingdom..."

Gong Wuchen was a little bit embarrassed. According to the rules of the Fengwu Empire, the eldest princess is very likely to inherit the position of queen.

Yue Wanrou marrying into the Ye family is tantamount to giving up the right to inherit the throne. Is it worth it?
Seeing Gong Wuchen's lamenting expression, Ye Qingge curled his lips and forcefully explained, "My father and mother are called true love! You don't understand!"

"I understand!" Gong Wuchen quickly explained.

How could he not understand, if he did not understand, he would not have come all the way from Fengwu Empire to Fengyun Academy, just to get a second look at Ye Qingge and tell her the news.

As long as he can be with Ye Qingge, even if he doesn't say anything and gets along quietly like now, he will feel happy.

It's a pity that Ye Qingge already has his own heart, and he is still too late after all.

"Miss Ye, how are you and His Royal Highness...?"

Gong Wuchen tentatively asked, although this kind of question would make him feel more uncomfortable after asking, but he still couldn't help asking.

Ye Qingge frowned, thinking of Yu Qianjue's sudden departure just now, he couldn't help but feel lost, so he just responded lightly, "It's okay."

"You seem unhappy? Is it because His Royal Highness still has a fiancée?"

Gong Wuchen asked again, even if there was one percent hope, he didn't want to give up.

If Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue could separate because of Huangfu Qianqian, then he would have a chance to pursue her again.

Ye Qingge shook her head, she is Yu Qianjue's fiancée, so she doesn't mind that at all.

What she minds is that Yu Qianjue has other secrets from her.

"That... I'm a little tired. Thank you for telling me about my mother. I'll go first."

After Ye Qingge finished speaking, she was about to leave.

Gong Wuchen still had a lot to say, and he didn't want Ye Qingge to just leave, so he hurriedly chased after him, "Miss Ye, I still have a present I want to give you."


"This is it, the sachet from last time."

Gong Wuchen took out a white sachet from the storage ring.

The sachet is exquisite in workmanship, and the pattern is embroidered with a green leaf, which is lifelike and looks very beautiful.

"The pattern last time was a mandarin duck, so you didn't accept it. This time, it was changed to another one. Can I accept it? This is just a little thought from me."

Gong Wuchen looked at Ye Qingge sincerely, his eyes full of anticipation, as if if Ye Qingge didn't accept him, he would cry.

"All right……"

Ye Qingge felt that it was just a sachet and the pattern had changed, so it should be nothing.

She took the sachet, tied it directly around her waist, and smiled at Gong Wuchen,

"Thank you."

"If you can accept this gift, I will be very satisfied..." Gong Wuchen smiled even more happily.

But at this moment, he noticed——

(End of this chapter)

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