Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 497

Chapter 497

The woman in white was shocked and quickly prepared to defend.

But at this moment, another black figure suddenly appeared, and then attacked from behind, with a "bang"!
The woman in white was beaten unconscious.

"Come here—" Before the word ah could be uttered, Huangfu Jingshu was also hit by a stick and was directly knocked out.

After confirming that Huangfu and Jingshu were completely fainted, Nangong Ling took off the mask on her face, kicked Huangfu Jingshu hard, and said displeasedly,

"I really want to kill this bitch directly."

"Don't worry, if you have a chance to do it in the future, follow Die Wu's plan first." Ye Qingge's voice was calm.

Nangong Ling shrugged helplessly, and then started to work.

Die Wu's plan is simple, brutal, and perverted!
In order to completely suppress Huangfu Jingshu and her attendants, Die Wu came up with a very weird idea-to get Lily!

When Nangong Ling heard this idea, she was almost stunned.

But after Die Wu's analysis, she felt that this idea was very good!
Huangfu Jingshu cares most about fame, and her follower is the daughter of the college's great mentor, who also cares about face.

The news of "Lily" came out from these two people, and they were "witnessed" by many people. It goes without saying how explosive the consequences are!
"Quickly, put them on the bed, you will be responsible for undressing, and I will be responsible for setting the fire."

"no problem!"

Nangong Ling's hands were particularly nimble, and he made the scene lively and fragrant with three strikes.

Ye Qingge released a little fragrance, and then lit a fire.

After everything was done, she and Nangong Lingtou sneaked off the balcony and waited for the opportunity!

A few people stood in a secluded corridor on the fifth floor, waiting for a good show to be staged!
"Miss Ye, is the plan really okay?"

Lu Mengmeng was still worried, she had only heard of Longyang's beauty, but had never heard of Lily.

"Little sister, sister, I came up with the idea, you just watch the show patiently!"

Die Wu smiled, and then began to count the time.

After a stick of incense, the fire in 533 began to spread, and the alarm sounded throughout the building, and the dormitory 533 where the fire started became the focus of the entire dormitory building.

The patrol personnel in charge of putting out the fire, as well as the students living in the rest of the nearby dormitories, all gathered here.

Patrol officers didn't have keys, so had to slam on the door with brute force.

Lu Mengmeng and Ye Mengqi saw the opportunity and they showed up immediately.

"Oh - what happened? Why did it catch fire?" Ye Mengqi pretended not to know anything, looking innocent.

Seeing this, the patrol officers interrogated and asked, "Who are you?"

"We are in bedroom 533. We came back late today. There must be no one in there. We must open the door quickly."

After Ye Mengqi finished speaking, she took out the key and opened the door.

At this moment, everyone saw a very eye-catching scene!
The image is so intense that they cannot express it in words.


Ye Mengqi yelled in feigned surprise.

The patrol personnel in charge of putting out the fire couldn't control so much. They directly condensed the water elements and poured water into the room.

The ice-cold water stimulated Huangfu Jingshu and the two of them, and they instantly woke up.

In addition, the fragrance Ye Qingge used was very weak, and it had already dissipated in the sea of ​​fire, so now Huangfu Jingshu is as calm as usual.

And when she saw that everyone was looking at her like that, and she really couldn't explain clearly, she was so angry that she almost vomited blood!

Ye Mengqi will not let Huangfu Jingshu go easily, she deliberately shouted again,

"Princess Jingshu, so you are this kind of person!"

(End of this chapter)

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