Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 501

Chapter 501
Bai Lian'er looked sinister, she already knew about Huangfu Jingshu's suicide, so in Fengyun College, the only people she could join forces with were Ma Yi and Hua Ruojin.

Ma Yi seems to have been discouraged since the incident in Qingyun Kingdom, and has been retreating and refusing to come forward.

But with her own strength, it would be very difficult to deal with Ye Qingge.

After much deliberation, Bai Lian'er could only find Hua Ruojin to cooperate with.

Hua Ruojin was hesitant at first, after all, cooperating with Bai Lian'er was no different from seeking skin with a tiger.

But now she has no other way out. Elder Ouyang values ​​Ye Qingge so much, so it will be a matter of time before Ye Qingge becomes famous in the alchemy department.

After Ye Qingge succeeds, if she wants to deal with it, it will be very difficult.

After thinking for a while, Hua Ruojin asked directly, "What are you going to do?"

Bai Lian'er smiled triumphantly, she knew Hua Ruojin would cooperate!

In this way, things will be easier to handle!
"Do you remember Zhuang Yuncheng? Let's use him as a breakthrough to deal with Ye Qingge!"

"How to do it?" Hua Ruojin didn't quite understand.

She only knows a little bit of cleverness. When it comes to strategy, mind, and killing with a knife, she and Bai Lian'er are on the same level.

"How to do it...it's very simple..." Bai Lian'er smiled coldly, then whispered in Hua Ruojin's ear, and began to talk about her new plan.

Danger is approaching quietly again.


Let's talk about Ye Qingge.

Taking advantage of the holiday, she didn't sleep in the dormitory, but went to the college library to read, and asked Yu Qianjue to go with her.

Nangong Ling, the thousand-year-old light bulb, of course followed suit.

Together with Nangong Ling, there is also Ye Han, Ye Han is also a good young man who loves to learn and pursues progress.

As a result, the northwest corner of the fifth floor of the library became a scene where Ye Qingge, Yu Qianjue, and Ye Han were reading books, and Nangongling was doing nothing.

"Sigh - if I knew it was so boring, I shouldn't have come! Why not play with Lu Mengmeng." Nangong Ling complained in a low voice.

Ye Han gave Nangong Ling a white look, and said, "Go there now, don't disturb our study."

"Ye Han, why are you getting more and more annoying? I used to follow my aunt every day to teach you how to practice, but now that your strength has improved, you turned your face on him?" Nangong Ling pouted with dissatisfaction.

Ye Qingge put down the book and persuaded helplessly, "Okay, okay, can you stop arguing? This is a place to read. If you keep arguing, it will disturb other people."

"I do not……"

"Miss Nangong!"

Before Nangong Ling could finish speaking, she heard an excited voice.

The person who came was none other than Zhuang Yuncheng!

Zhuang Yuncheng chuckled, and after calling Nangong Ling, he called Ye Qingge.

Everyone knows the order of priority, what is Zhuang Yuncheng's attitude.

However, Nangong Ling was "polite" at this time, she looked at Zhuang Yuncheng with disdain, and said, "This is a library, why are you shouting so loudly? You are disturbing other people."

"I... sorry... I didn't mean that..."

When Zhuang Yuncheng was told by Nangong Ling, his head froze a bit, and he didn't know what to say.

Ye Qingge quickly smoothed things over, "Are you here to read the book too? Do you want to come together?"

"Okay, hey--"

Zhuang Yuncheng laughed very happily, and then sat directly next to Nangong Ling.

Because of the previous incident, although he has been depraved for a year, since he met Ye Qingge and saw Ye Qingge studying hard to refine medicine, he couldn't help but want to work hard.

The boss, a rookie, has not fallen even when he was assigned to Class D, so what right does he have to be decadent?
(End of this chapter)

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