Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 508 3 men 1 play

Chapter 508 Three Men in One Play
Halfway through the drink, another guest came to the tavern.

"Brother Yu! After looking for you for a long time, I finally found you. I almost broke my leg. You have to pay me for medical expenses..."

Wu Ze appeared out of nowhere, sat down on the bench, and then looked at Ye Chen next to him with a very surprised expression.

Coincidentally, he also knew Ye Chen!
"Master Ye, you actually drink with brother Yu? Is the sun coming out from the west?"

In Wu Ze's perception, this young master of the Ye family is a stranger, and he has hardly ever seen him smile, with a cold expression on his face all the time.

Sometimes, Wu Ze felt that Ye Chen was the second Yu Qianjue.

The difference is that after getting acquainted with Ye Qingge, Yu Qianjue has a much more normal personality, occasionally laughs, and is not as cold-blooded as before.

So it's not surprising that Yu Qianjue drank with others.

But Ye Chen actually drank with someone else, and it was Yu Qianjue, he was really strange!
Yu Qianjue was quite puzzled, looked at Wu Ze and said, "You also know Brother Ye?"

"Brother Ye? Are you so familiar with the title?
Brother Yu, I have known you for so many years, but you have never called me Brother Wu, but today you call me Brother Ye, is there something wrong with my ears? "

Wu Ze's world view has collapsed, all in all, he just can't believe it.

"Master Onmyoji, long time no see."

Ye Chen looked at Wu Ze with a calm expression, showing no emotion.

Wu Ze chuckled, picked up a glass of wine, and said with a smile, "Everyone is destined to get together today, so we must have a good drink, haha——"

"Drink." Yu Qianjue responded heartily.

With Wu Ze joining in, drinking became more and more lively.

The moon in the sky was very round, and the moonlight accompanied the lights, shining on the three men with different personalities. The night at Fengyun College was as peaceful as ever.


The next day.

Alchemy Department, Ding Ban.

Ye Qingge came to the class early in the morning. Although she had a day off, she did not slack off and completed her homework in an orderly manner.

Zhuang Yuncheng was the second to come to the class. After seeing Ye Qingge, he immediately smiled and sat next to Ye Qingge.

"Boss, when did you come?" Zhuang Yuncheng responded with a smile.

Ye Qingge said, "Just came."

"By the way, boss, can I ask, what does Miss Nangong like?" Zhuang Yuncheng asked again.

Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows, a little worried, "Are you really planning to chase her?"

"I confessed yesterday, but I was rejected..."

Zhuang Yuncheng was very sad, he felt that there was nothing wrong with his charm, why did he fail?well!

Chasing girls is harder than refining medicine!


Ye Qingge twitched her lips, seeing Zhuang Yuncheng like this, she had to explain seriously, "Zhuang Yuncheng, Nangong Ling's origin is very complicated, if she doesn't like you, you'd better give up.

There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, why bother to love a single flower? "

"No, no, I, Zhuang Yuncheng, are not the ones to admit defeat so easily. If I give up on such a small difficulty, how can I do big things in the future?
As long as Miss Nangong doesn't have someone she likes, I won't give up!
Boss, it’s fine if you don’t help me, I will find a way by myself. "

Zhuang Yuncheng was very stubborn, and then he began to plan his own pursuit strategy, from sending roses to writing love letters, he never left behind.

Ye Qingge saw it and shook his head again and again.

Come on, she can't take care of other people's affairs, so let's just leave it at that.

She has to study alchemy well, that's the kingly way!

(End of this chapter)

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